riding rules
I'm 16 weeks and 1 day without a smoke now, and it's f*&^ing murder.
I've gone from 30-35 a day for the last 30+ years to none, cold turkey.
The worst thing is I really have no definitive reason for giving up.
My health's ok, money wasn't really an issue, and I really REALLY like smoking.
I think the final straw for me was the price. Not that I couldn't afford them, just the thought that the government is dictating to us smokers about how much we have to pay in tax, and the implementation of the 25% tax excise in 2010, followed up by the first two of four scheduled 12.5 % annual increases is ridiculous.
Until I gave them away, between the missus and I, we were spending over $240 per week on smokes, and this was buying them the most economical way, per carton. This would of been in excess of $300 in another 18 months or so...
So, I know I'm financially better off, and I know I will benefit from the health improvements, but I still feel lost going to my shed with a beer and no smokes. It's just not the same.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention how happy I am that I've put on 6 kg's in the same period........SUCKS.
One thing I found was stop counting the hours/Days, Take each as it comes. Good luck Batty. Thanx for the calenders.

As far as riding rules go! Dont try to impress those you are with, you will end up acting like a F#@Kwit or wors
spitting it down the road!
Her job is to Bitch!
Mine is to give her reasonYes

Ego vero custos fratris mei sum

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