Stop Press-Now Showing!!!
Stevie Wright-This Is Your Life Channel 9
Now On!!!!!! Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
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What a waste of talent.
Another good advertisement for the perils of drug addiction.
EASY by the Easybeats was the 3rd album I ever bought.
Still have it in prime condition.
Those were the days when a top song only went for 2 minutes or less.
I Don't know about waste of talent Busgo.
The Easybeats/Stevie Wright were huge.
But it was a sad story...especially to physically see what the drugs had done.
He was also so unlucky to have been put through that shock therapy procedure...
The amazing thing was he was still smiling! Cheers,
Z Web World

Sound ya horn when
going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them a protest blast!

You can make a difference!
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