now that is just crap Pete when mine fell over I was so pissed off that when i lifted it I nearly threw onto the other side
The Ideal way is get it up fast get on and get away before anyone sees you Regards Bill
With A Mod Like This On Your Bike You Could Save Money On Bling
I Am Not Racist I Love All Tits Big And Small
yeah well Bill I've had to lift mone twice and it ain't easy.
Still haven't got it back from painter.
2 months but I'm not that f*&^ing woriied afucking bout it fuckin yet.
I have a very good tolerence level you know...f*&^ing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
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No comment.. Cheers,
That's all good and well for a Bimmer with a boxer engine that only leans at a 45deg angle when it falls over anyway. What about a big-arsed Hayabusa laying flat on it's side on the slate floor in your rumpus room? It helps to have a mate there to help you pick it up (and to remind you of it every now & then) -don't ask! <i></i>
Year before last, I had to pick my bike up 5 times.Luckily, I was able to cushion it down each time it went over, so only scratches. I'm real good at it now.
There is a rear handle on the bike's left side, which makes it easier lifting it if it's fallen onto it's left side. However, for those of you on 99/00 who carry a pillion or luggage, it is a part of the aluminium subframe.
My Kawasaki came of the side stand once. My daughter's boyfriend's XR8 cousioned its fall. Cost me $500 in new blinkers, clutch lever and mirrors.
I thought he was going to beat me up, but he said I was doing a good enough job on myself.
He was very kind and helpful. He went and got his angle grinder and took a bit off the side stand stop. Wont fall over again he said...........Still wont park his car near my bike though??? <i></i>