Pirelli's new SuperCorsa
Well tyre time again, dont take that long for daily users.

I currently have the Corsa front about 7k old and only now starting to cup, still plenty there. My rear 207's are about to be done...thank God. Whilst good wearing I really dont think they help much on the sweepers and bends.

Pirelli's new SuperCorsa looks real tempting, no tread on edges but bubble up nicely for grip (definately more agile for direction flips). Not cheap one of the most expensive. Not sure may go for them but would be tempted for front and rear to be in unison (but still plenty on current front).

Ron from Balls swears by them, anyone else running the Corsa's or supercorsa's?


PS. Theres a special on for Metzlers Z3 from Bikes & Bits front and rear fitted $380.- suitable for the bus, but oldish stock and am not convinced the best to go for, but just letting the board know.

Has anyone else tried the Super Corsa's yet. Curious about milage, grip etc.... Pretty happy with the Michelen HPX I'm running at the moment. MUCH better than the original Bridgestone, and wearing better.
Will consider Perelli's front and back next month.
Regards Phil. <i></i>
I haven't heard a single bad word about the super corsas, except for the price....

Commuting, and making tyres square, I decided not to spend the extra with my last tyre change, but if I needed new ones and the timing co-incided with a major ride (say Mt Hotham again), I think I would fork the extra dough. <i></i>
The supercorsas are phenomenal... so much grip they're almost too good. Was/am a big fan of the hpx's but these turn much faster with heaps of grip at max lean. There's no dramas decking out the fairing, cases, gear lever, sidestand etc... expect about 4-6k out of a rear.

thebigshow <i></i>
I hated the HPX. Worst tyre i ever bought. I thought they over heated or something and became very slippery. Ive now got a 208 on which has very nine grip, leaves very nice black lines on the road at every corner exit but i only got 3000k out of them.

$300/month in tyres is killing me. <i></i>
i know its hard but stop laying darkies then..... <i></i>
Got Super Corsa's on front and back. By far the best dry road tyre I have ever had on a bike. I say dry road 'cause I am not 100% convinced about their wet weather abilities, but I only ride in the rain when I get caught in the rain so that may not mean much. <i></i>
Bee, what pressure were u running your HPX's at? I ran them 36ish all round and didn't have a problem.
Then again, guys that like dunlops always will They are probably the best tyre in the wet...
I'm on my second s corsa rear now, first one lasted 4500 which surprised me bc I ran them at 38 and slammed them pretty much the whole time...

bigshow <i></i>
As a footnote to the above post, I had the s corsas out in the rain last sunday down the GOR. You'd think from looking at them they'd be shockers in the wet but they're not... As a comparison, they're better than bt56's, hpx's and dragons.
A simple wheelspin test surprised me, (no standing water, straight line, shell grit type surface) at 70-80 it took full throttle in 2nd to spin it up (ie wouldn't spin at all in 3,4 etc).
Compare that to the standard dragon, half to 3/4 throttle in 6th would get it spinning at the same speed...
Heavy braking produced similar results, the front was gripping well enough to overtake a heap of 'tourists' on the way home...
With grooves all the way across the tyre the s corsa's replacement, the Pirelli Diablo due out soon should be the sh*t...although that may sacrifice some dry grip

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