Particular attention to NSW riders

Lane Splitting or filtering is not illegal per se but you have the opportunity of breaking any one of a dozen laws if you do it. This was discussed at length in an earlier thread.

We got 5 new bike cops up my way. One decided to sit right up my ass while i was on my to work the other day followed me to servo and dribbled shit how good his bike was. I told him the only way he would catch me was if i crashed or they used roadspikes he didnt see the funny side of that.they love my playground cause a lot of bikes come through to go to gingers cr and the thunderbolts way.

every corner tells a story
(18-08-2012, 06:01pm)BabyBusa Wrote: Apparently the Highway Patrol are all over the Old Pacific Highway again this weekend folks.

EPA station there from early this morning as well as radars all over the place again

Easy money! Were they picking on debaffled / piped harleys? Probably not.

Life is the only thing that kills, everything else is just a mitigating factor...
In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonaparte .
I was on my way to work this afternoon. I rode the F3 and took the Brooklyn turn off to ride south to Calga and get back on the F3 at Windy Banks. Anyway I was behind four cars coming up to and past the Old Toll Gates just where the Firewood Yard and the Rural Fire HQ and notice a HWPatrol car with its strobes on. As I got closer and gearing the Busa to a higher gear to silence her a bit, I notice the coppers has about 5 bikes pulled over.

Now you tell me, This is a target on bikes. Just be warned, The coppers are out to target riders. Be vary carefull deciding to ride The Old Rd.

Now, I keep a well maintained bike, no oil leaks, no bald tyres, no smoke out of the exhaust. Just like 99% of all bikes out there on the road. So apart from speeding, why are 5 or 6 bikes pulled up by the cops and not a passenger car in site?

Lets see how long this campaign will go on for!
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Here's a radical idea: NOBODY SPEED... Now, before you all start, here's the theory behind it: If EVERYBODY stops speeding, there will be no revenue raised from speeding tickets, right? Ok, so after 6 months of bugger-all income, how's the road toll looking? My prediction: about the same. Hard to argue "Speed Kills" under such circumstances, ay?

Yeah, I know... it'll never happen, but think about it. When the NT Labor government introduced a speed limit on the Stuart Hwy, the road toll went UP!! Why, you might ask? Obviously, once there was a posted speed limit, people exceeding it just died in horrific firey crashes... doing the exact same speed they'd been doing for decades... or maybe it was due to fatigue??

So many roads have had their speed limits reduced, modern cars (and to a lesser degree, bikes) are so much safer now than they were 20 years ago, both actively and passively, but is this reflected in the road toll? Not really. It's all about revenue. Maybe one day we'll get a government with the balls to get serious on road safety, and tell the Harold Scrubys of this world to pull their frikkin' heads in.
----& NSW Riders or riders of bikes registered in other states riding in NSW, take note of my recent hot tip for youall in the insurance section.

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