Doug. My son ran an 8 flat on his first try on a 650 Hyosung. I gotta say I am so proud. He even Torched a worked Hog! LOL! What makes it better is that it was the same time I was able to get on my Busa with the smashed intercooler. What I have also learned was that on my first outing wheel standing was my problem. I mean big time. We lengthened the swingarm and torched the tire. We didn't have our short chain and therefore couldn't shorten the wheelbase. But after watching your video. Our obsevations are that to drop your times you need to leave harder. If you do that you will wheelstand. To stop that you could utilse drag lowering staps. They will be a cheap, easily tunable that may assist you to achive your goals.
Only ideas from a simple goat for your consideration.
Party-smiley-018 When your not Racing, your only waiting!

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