Fastest bikes
Just interested after last Sunday.
Who has the quickest standard Busa (allowing for lowering and 4 into 1s, but not a modded engine).
Also, who has heard os a faster ZX12 than 9.48, also standard? <i></i>
ah mate my busa went real quick with just cans on it and standard height i got 11.111

ok i think im gonna hide now cause thats just embarrasing You may now refer to me as Sting<i></i>
Fastest stockish Busa here is Jason Ellem on his Streeter, lowered 4into1, 9.698@143.91MPH at the NightFires in January.


We have ZX12's in the 9's but they are at the upper end, Bear. What sort of MPH on that ZX12, that doesnt sound too stock, I dont think they go that fast in the states in Street Trim.

Congrats on that 9 too, been a long time coming!


<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 12/2/07 21:28
Bear to the 9 sec club good stuff
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
Leonard's stocker runs 9.7-9.8's, lowered, stock pipes, 120,000+ k's.
I think to get into the sub 9.5's you will need pipes, and inlet cam mod, and maybe a little head work. <i></i>
I've seen John's bike here run 9.7s and Mike's ZX12 has run extremely quick. The bike has been rebuilt to show standards, and he insists that it's stock. Couyld well be, he's only 60kg weight and his model, didn't have or he has removed the rev limiter.
I guess there's a way of tracking down times, as both are ANDRA riders.
Mike is 2878 and I can find one result at 9.760 and he told me on Sunday he'd got down to 9.5. So I need to find that result.
John is 2998 and I can find one at 9.767, but I think he's topped that now as well.
I'll try and track down some ANDRA result files somewhere, they must all get filed somewhere. Maybe after my holiday (3 weeks) which!
I just went back over all my runs, I started at 12.137 on 25/05/05, so it's taken 20 months of trying to get down to a good number. Doesn't come easy! Took ages to bust 11 sec, longer to bust 10.5. Then I got serious and lowered the bugger, but still took months to get it near 10. Just goes to show that the bike is far more capable than the rider really, and practice, practice ...... <i></i>
Good work Ian on the sure are keen . <i></i>
Cas, Jason has that other secret ingredient, he doesnt weigh as much as the rest of us. He can also 60 the crap out of it! Bike is definately stock Motor with 4into1's which shows with the MPH.

He recently converted his Wheeliebar Modbike into an A Streeter and is running 9.3's at only his second outing. He was running 9.0-9.1 before.

Found on the Motorplex site Mike ran a 9.54@146.10 with a 1.569 60ft which is pretty awesome. Would be curious to see this bike!


Well done Bear. Cheers,
Here's Mike's bike earlier in season.

How come this guy keeps popping up?

Mike rebuilt the bike to concours condition, looks a treat!
I'll get hold of John's copper silver pb details, he may well rate among the best in Oz. I'm sure he's run a 9.7 and he is a stocker with 4 into 1 and lowered
Oh and cheers from Phuket! <i></i>
Hey I like that photo Iam would you email me a copy. Did you get the bars OK? Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
f*** nos I've got Velocity
Yes I did, thanks, and I'm sure I emailed too. Really sorry if I didn't, as they enabled me to drop the forks as well, plus the seat and bingo! sub 10s!
I have quite a few of your bike, so maybe best if I burn a disc and stick it in the mail eh? PM me your address. <i></i>

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