off the bike for atime
Having a right shoulder operation on tuesday,repair tendons.Will be in a sling for a month or more,will be a pain in the arse.Got to close my mower shop for a bit.Has long it`s alright for tathra,hate to drive the ute down there.cheers:Frown
Don't feel so bad mate, ya can drive that ute right behind mine, cause my Busa will be in the back the whole way there. Frown Frown

Hope the Op all goes well. Just let the healing do it's thing and you'll be back on the bike in no time. Pi_thumbsup
Mate, you just get it sorted. I know it's been giving you a hard time. I'm sure you'll have plenty of pain free riding when it's healed. Hope we don't have to much nice weather till your healed to ease the thought of not riding...
know how you will be feeling about being off the bike. i had a total knee replacement beginning of july and im still about a month away from getting back on the bike but it,s been a good time to get some chroming done and new tires on and a good clean up on the bike. hope all goes well and you will be back on the bike in no time at all.
For reasons i want go into im off the bike aswell hope we all back on soon plus i had 2 wisdom teeth out so would not get my helmet on Pi_freak
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Good luck with the op brother Pi_thumbsup
All the best mate, get well soon.
(15-09-2011, 11:09pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Don't feel so bad mate, ya can drive that ute right behind mine, cause my Busa will be in the back the whole way there. Frown Frown

Hope the Op all goes well. Just let the healing do it's thing and you'll be back on the bike in no time. Pi_thumbsup
If my shoulders not up to a big ride,i could trailer it and do ride down at tathra.See what happens


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