QLD Busa Club members
Allright guys, you all know about the Sport Compact event on at Willowbank on the weekend of the 23-24.

You allready know it will only cost you $55 to enter this 2 day event (if you run slower than 10.0).

You all know that the bikes that have entered in the Street Sports Bike class (S/SB) are slower than Hayabusa's.

You know that it is Dial Your Own handicapping with no cut off time, so anyone can win the $600 first place prize, $300 for 2nd, and $75 for 3rd and 4th. (considering that there is only 6 entrants in this class the chances of getting a free weekend of racing and fuel are high).

I am sure that I mentioned that there will be Babe's on stage, Bikini comp's, promo chicks.


<i>Edited by: CAS3234 at: 14/9/06 7:50 pm
I'm working and cant make it...
I'd love to go but work tells me that I cant have time off
Sorry Regards Richard

Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 300..ye baby<i></i>
working 4-12pm on saturday and 11-7 on sunday.
can i race on sat morning only? i've never dragged before, does that matter?


expect the unexpected <i></i>
Hi Rob

The Jamboree will be a good event, maybe a bit much for someone that has never raced but certainly great for anyone that has gone a few laps and whats to see what its like at a big Event.

In saying that if you think you are ready you are most welcomed to enter more, the merrier!!

Funnily enough to enter the event in Streetbike is the same price as if you were spectating for 2 days, good value in my books!


Saturday Qualifying
9.30 - 3.30pm Qualifying - ET, SF, SR, SA, S/SB
3.45 - 8.00pm Qualifying - AM, FM, ST, SM, EX & M/SB

Sunday Eliminations
10.30am - 5.00pm Drag Racing Eliminations

Shayne <i></i>
Sorry boys, count me out. Got sideswiped by a jap in a tin top on the 6th, only just out of hospital. No major injuries though, won't be riding the bus for another 3-4 weeks though.

Terry <i></i>
Last day to enter so if you are going to enter get in quick.

Rob, Pity youre working mate, I owe you a couple of beers for the can (I got it on Tuesday, thanks mate).

Diablo, Hope you are OK mate, how did the bike pull through?

Guys I will have 3 free entry tickets (I think Sam wants 1) so if anyone wants to come out for a look just give me a call, my number is on my profile. <i></i>
Not my bike fortunately, belongs to the boss. Lost a bit of skin and damaged the bursar in my left shoulder. Not too bad considerng I was sideswiped and pushed into a concrete barrier at about 80kph.

Terry <i></i>

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