Who's in for tomorrow night to see Bruce crack into the 9's
The pressure is all on you Man
The track should be in great condition after Sunday, I found myself all day Sunday with my boots sticking to the tarmac in the pits, man it was sticky
On one of my runs I almost flipped it at the starting line
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
Well guys WSID has hit a new low. What with Oil downs burnouts and a massive number of cars we got only three runs. Thats right THREE , no refund no free passes for next week, what a f*&^ing fiasco 3 runs in five and a half hours yet they still managed to run the burnout comp so we could all watch pre pubescent ricer boys flog f*** out of mums commodore.
That works out at $1.50 per second of racing time - great value.
And I thought we went there to race, WSID can get f****d.
N2O no laughing matter
<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 12/7/06 10:39 pm
It seems to me you may be holding back your real feelings, come on mate were all friends here, let us know what you really think!
I gather you guys let me down then?
9 <i>Edited by: Blackkat at: 12/7/06 10:54 pm
Got me Leonard I'm really venting at WSID cause im still in the 10's
N2O no laughing matter
Wait till they really bend you over and give it to you, then I'll tell you what venting is!
Leonard. <i></i>
They really treasure their valued customers. Imagine if we ran our businesses that way.
We run a race track but you are too fast.
Come racing and stand around all nite.
f*** em I'll try the Kwinana motorplex. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
I was that f*&^ing bored, waiting for 5 and half hours, I was driven to smoke again.
Sorry for bludging off you, Bruce.
Had more runs on the way home. <i></i>
Glad I didn't travel for that one! <i></i>
Yey Yep sucked big time
I' only going to go on Bike nights and weekend meets for now on, nothing worse freezing your nuts off all night &
It was a good run had by Pappe 10.100 I think on the NOS HOOOONDA now Jeff has a bit of catching up to do
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>
I am glad I was up in Queensland!!!!!
That Sux but after last weeks effort it doesnt suprise me!!!!!
What are they going to do if they loose everyone from their terrible coordination, I guess they just dont give a RATS!!!!!!!
Blue Thunder!!!!
Andrew :)
Blue and Silver Bling the Best thing!!!!!<i></i>
How often do they do test and tune days?That looks the better bet for me these days.Prepped track and less wallys in unprepped cars. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Hey Bruce when are you over in perth.
I'm here for work at the moment and moving here end of August.
Are you over? <i></i>
I am taking the truck over leaving Sydney on the 7th of August. I'll be towing the bike trailer with the Busa and my new trail bike on it.
I will be based in Collie but am happy to travel so we will have to catch up for a ride. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Sweet as.
I arrived here 11th july after riding the Gixxer all the way over.
Not to sure where I'm going to base myself yet but want to be close to work ( Malaga )
We'll have to catch up for sure. I went for a ride up in the hills today. Nothing like N.S.W
Are you coming over to stay or is it just a visit?
*hint: Watch that wind across the Nullabour, hell nasty cross winds.
Ooohh yeah and watch for Mainly 100kms B4 the W.A border and 100kms after, and as you come in through Cunderdin to Midland. <i></i>
Big effort riding over mate its a great trip. I'll be there until xmas so plenty of time to catch up. Bruce
N2O no laughing matter