Blue Thunder and Andycools Win at Bikefest :)
Well guys and girls,

Thought I would give you a rundown of the day it was for me!!
I found the racing very interesting as I was racing in the 10.5 limit for sports bike catagory.
We had 3 Qualifying runs and my first run I got away clean and got 3/4 track and backed off thinking I was going to break the 10.5 limit but had to cross the line first!!!

r/t ... .158
60' ... 2.121
330'... 4.861
660'... 7.008
mph... 114.56
1000'... 8.882
e/t ... 10.673
mph ... 119.65
k/mh ... 191.65

2nd qualifyer
r/t ... .197
60' ... 2.266
330'... 5.029
660'... 7.234
mph... 108.40
1000'... 9.164
e/t... 10.783
mph... 138.78
k/mh... 223.35

3rd qualifyer
r/t ... .123
60' ... 2.371
330'... 5.174
mph... 112.66
1000'... 9.248
e/t... 10.849
mph... 140.52
k/mh... 226.14

1st Elimination
r/t... .170
60' ... 2.139
330'... 4.958
660'... 7.150
mph... 113.17
1000'... 9.033
WIN>> 10.732
mph... 122.47
k/mh... 197.09

2nd Elimination
r/t... .234
60'... 2.198
330'... 4.926
660'... 7.061
mph... 115.50
1000'... 8.907
WIN>> 10.526
mph... 138.19
k/mh... 222.39

Simmo and I were left to race in the Final!!!
The Busa club was well Represented
We had a Grudge race before that so simmo and I had a practice run

GRUDGE no limit!!!

Andycool ............. Simmo
r/t ... .134 ............. .108
60'... 2.124 .............. 2.070
330'... 4.863 .............. 4.827
660'... 7.004 ............... 7.035
mph... 115.21 .............. 111.72
1000'... 8.850 .............. 8.941
et... 10.428 <<WIN..... 10.572
mph... 142.46 ................ 137.75
k/mh... 229.27 ............... 221.69

Down to the FINAL!!!

We nearly missed it because they didnt call us up and it was only cause Bruce and the captain started to talk and realized we raced to the start line and had the second last Final!!!


I knew to beat Simmo, was to get a good start and just stay in front and not break out, alot to think about when winning was at stake especially against the COPPER Bike!!!!

Andycool ............. Simmo

r/t ... .067 ............... .253
60'... 2.182 .............. 2.075
330'... 4.933 .............. 4.833
660'... 7.112 ............. 7.053
mph... 113.62 ............. 111.82
1000'... 8.989 ............. 8.963
et... 10.646 <<WIN .......... 10.583
mph... 128.79 .............. 138.36
k/mh 207.27 ................ 222.67
Simmo was telling me on the return road I broke out , But i knew I got in front and was cool for the line

Also found out never to throw your arm in the air at 200klms hour!!!!!

Unbeaten all day!!!!

It was a Great day and I couldnt have been in the final with a better bloke

So, Simmo and the Copper Beast


Blue Thunder!!!!

Andrew :)

Blue and Silver Bling the Best thing!!!!!<i>Edited by: andycool&nbsp; at: 16/4/06 10:27 am
Wow that was fun

Congratulations to Blue Bling Andy, what a lighting start in the final run once you got in front I was blinded by all your bloody bling.

Fantastic to see so may club members there hope you all had as much fun as I did and I’m sure you did by the size of your smiles all day.

An extra special thanks to our Capitan Dav for the huge effort he put into the day and behind the scenes over the past weeks to make the event becoming such a great success

Ps Andy next time
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just a poor slow copy !!!!!<i></i>
Well done Andy.... and to you too simmo ! Sounds like it was a bloody superb day. Sorry I couldn't be there. The club certainly was well represented - and of course, the mighty Busa reigned supreme. We'll have to give you guys professional names now... like 'Andy's Blue Bling Blur' and 'Simmo's Copper Show Stopper'

Did anyone take a video camera on the day ? Any footage ? The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>
I threw my arm in the air on friday when i kept beating you andy at about 230km/hr.It nearly pulled me off the bike,then when i put my hand back on the bars I hit the kill switch and thought I had killed it.Congrats on the win,Awesome top end,You should dyno the bike and see what its got. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Congrats Andy. Good effort. Look forward to many more races between you and Simmo...

Re: "Unbeaten all day"... luck must have something to do with it.

Bruce was unbeaten all day and got knocked out!

I was technically "unbeaten all day". I won 3/3 and in the eliminations crossed the line in a dead heat, but got knocked out because of the "dial your own" and his reaction time was better.

PS: Shayne did a 10.33 on my bike, so as soon as I can convince my hand to do what my brain tells it (read: let go of the clutch quicker), I'm there...

Actually pan,there is andy,simmo,tycho and myself all in the 10.3-10.5 bracket.This should now make for some healthy competition in sydney.We now know what your bike can do so that would make 5 busas vowing for bruces blood. <i></i>
Bring it on ladies Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

Listen up fella, last time my bike and your bike raced...

(sure I wasn't the rider, but practicing will get me there...) <i></i>
Well done Andy

Good work also Simmo

Bruce welcome to Drag racing,hope to see you at the Nitro champs.

Glad you guys had a great time out there, I hope all you guy end up with your Lic's and get to some of the larger events.

I'll be out there on Wed's on the stocker to make sure ALL you guys end up under 10.0 (you dont want a no-bling Red/Black kicking your asses do you?, Pan that includes you too- didn't think so)

Leonard. <i>Edited by: Blackkat at: 17/4/06 5:07 pm
Also found out never to throw your arm in the air at 200klms hour!!!!!

Aye aye,

175mph is worse - all the same it's good to see someone ealse's emotions getting the better of them.

Well done to all the Busa club guys - Bruce I fixed the unfairness in the M/SB you pointed out - Compak Attak will be better organised now that we've got the bugs out of our class formats.

Hope to see Andy and Simmo stepping up as Bruce has done.

The M/SB track championships start in July after this one last test event. Minimum DYO will be 10.5 ONLY until sept when it will reduce to 10.0.

You guys know you can step up - now you have a reason to.

If you don't I'll take the piss and trash talk you until your ears curl. Promise. The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!<i></i>

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