Ok guys, I know its late notice but I thought we would have been swamped with sponsers by now, but no one is answering emails.

Anyway we have only 1 sponser for the Streetbike classes for Bikefest.
We have got WOLFRACING PRODUCTS to sponser the Street ET (9.0-10.5) class.
He is offering a $300 voucher for first and a $150 for second.

We still need someone to sponser HOT STREET and 10.5 STREETBIKE.
It doesn't take much for a buisness to sponser a class, and you will have full advertising at the event for the day, that is your company will be broadcast across the pits over the PA as a major sponser, as well as having your company mentioned when the class is racing.

If we don't get sponsership, you will be racing for trophies only, so harrass your local supplier for sponsership.

Dave <i></i>
Lets kick start this. I am not a bike supplier and the advertising prolly wont help me in my isolated industry but what the hell. I want to see this class succeed so I'll chuck in a hundred for the winner.

Patterson & Sons Construction trading as Wood Works

Come on all local bike suppliers and tuning shops kick IN


See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 13/4/06 6:57 pm
Well done and hope you do Ok this weekend <i></i>
OK, we have Ray offering a $200 voucher for first place, and a $100 voucher for second place.

So it will be Easyrider Imports Sports Bike (10.5 and slower).

Shane, it looks as if it will be you anteing up for Hot Street, have you spoken to Dave Gilbert yet?

Bruce, we are going to put in a bonus prize and your $100 will fit in nicely, not 100% sure yet but it will probably go towards a reaction time prize, as Jackson Family Racing usually do this I will find out today if they are doing it for Bikefest and if not you are it.

Thanks everyone for the support.

Dave <i></i>

I for one in "Hot Street" couldn't give a stuff if there is no prize money or trophys etc to win.

I race because I enjoy it and now because of Wed's I'm really keen to get out there again.

So don't get too worried about it, I think you and Captain have done a top job with all the different levels of classes and I rather see it going to a "newby" who'll come back next year bigger and better.

Leonard. <i></i>

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