Tropical Cyclone Yasi
Just read online that Police are saying to stay put, and that a lot of people deciding to leave have left it too late as you can't outrun the cyclone........I immediately thought, well they don't ride a Busa.

Stay safe guys.
(02-02-2011, 03:40pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Just read online that Police are saying to stay put, and that a lot of people deciding to leave have left it too late as you can't outrun the cyclone........I immediately thought, well they don't ride a Busa.

Stay safe guys.

wind speed only 300 kmh theres still 27 klm left to out run it LOL
300kph, i ran just under 320 on the landspeed bike with no fairing once,
wind was pushing the helmet so hard i could barely breath ,handgrips were pulling off the bars , all the zips and velcro on my gear was trying to undo themselves,
i could not imagine what that sort of air pressure could do to buildings and the general landscape,
Take extra care up there guys its going to get nasty
Here we are in 2011 witnessing the worst seen cyclone ever in Australia. Deepest sympathy for those who are a victim of it and the recent floods. As for the comment trying to outrun a cyclone with a Busa, lets just see what the the magistrate thinks of that in court, 320km/h in a local traffic zone of 50km/h Roll

Sorry, gotta make some humour in this sad and terrifying time for those up north.
(02-02-2011, 06:06pm)Maj Wrote: 300kph, i ran just under 320 on the landspeed bike with no fairing once,
wind was pushing the helmet so hard i could barely breath ,handgrips were pulling off the bars , all the zips and velcro on my gear was trying to undo themselves,
imagine how fast you could go with a 300km tailwind Scary
"If you're going through hell, keep going"
Hey Dantheman, keep your head down old boy and tell richard to send the other disk BEFORE the cyclone gets there!!! lol
Looks like life in Townsville may be a bit difficult for a few weeks!

Good luck to you guys up there, you're in our thoughts! Not in our prayers though - because we are Godless Bastards!! and He wouldn't listen.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
I'm completely glued to the news, this is catastrophic. I know this isn't funny, but watch the lady signing beside Anna Bligh. You don't have to know sign language to know EXACTLY what she is saying, she is incredibly descriptive. I love it when she does the peaks and troughs of the waves, or when she does people coming out into the eye of the storm and getting a fright. She is GREAT!

Bunker down, stay safe people. We are thinking about you.

P.S. Dan is safe in Makay and has taken his family.
some interesting facts

stay safe northern peeps hope to hear from you in the next few days

[Image: 320610-cyclone-comparisons.jpg]
Cheers [Image: th_arg-x-50-transa.gif]
Why do they they give these things such nice or sometimes exotic names. I guess they probably called it Cyclone Yasi cause it has a towell on its head. Why didnt they call it something more appropriate, like "Cyclone f*&^ing run" or "Cyclone f*&^ing bastard" ?
well house is still standing, busa was safe in loungeroom.

Feel terrible for those unlucky folks up the road where they lost everything!
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
Good to you are safe and unhurt Grant had any news on the drunken guy in a canoe (DAN) yet ?
Cheers [Image: th_arg-x-50-transa.gif]
Good to hear your ok Grant
The drunk idiot in the canoe is fine. caught a few nice barra from the haughton river when i was stuck between townsville and mackay due to flooding. apparently your not allowed to drive a 4x4 over a bridge that has 100mm of water over it but you can stand on said bridge in the water and fish......


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