27-02-2006, 06:19pm
I came across this on another forum, and I think it is a top idea, I will be hunting down a bike in the next couple of weeks.
Anyone who is keen for a go let me know and I will steer you in the right direction.
I propose a PostieBike challenge.
(Cos they're cheap, and they work!)
1. Postie Bike MUST NOT remain AusPost Red.
2. Exhaust may be replaced, but only with something you make yourself, and it must be weldable.
3. Bonus Points if it's still registerable
4. Forced Induction IS allowed.
5. Points will be awarded in several catagories. Overall prize is a weekend in Canberra with OCAU.MC's sexiest Member. Soc. (that'd be me kids!)
- Winner of the PBGP (Postie Bike Grand Prix - Held at Wakefield Park)
- Winner of the PBDO (Postie Bike Drag Off's - Held at Western Sydney International Dragway)
- Riders Choice Award
- Sexiest Bike and Sexiest Rider (To encourage cross dressing at what i'm sure may end up being a suasage fest)
Comp will be held around November/December.
As a bit of background, this is being started as a extension of a canberra/ocaumc group joke We're doing it. Think you can beat us? Try us! We've got politicians here! Canberra's so full of hot air, we could make a sail-bike and win!
Anyone who is keen for a go let me know and I will steer you in the right direction.
I propose a PostieBike challenge.
(Cos they're cheap, and they work!)
1. Postie Bike MUST NOT remain AusPost Red.
2. Exhaust may be replaced, but only with something you make yourself, and it must be weldable.
3. Bonus Points if it's still registerable
4. Forced Induction IS allowed.
5. Points will be awarded in several catagories. Overall prize is a weekend in Canberra with OCAU.MC's sexiest Member. Soc. (that'd be me kids!)
- Winner of the PBGP (Postie Bike Grand Prix - Held at Wakefield Park)
- Winner of the PBDO (Postie Bike Drag Off's - Held at Western Sydney International Dragway)
- Riders Choice Award
- Sexiest Bike and Sexiest Rider (To encourage cross dressing at what i'm sure may end up being a suasage fest)
Comp will be held around November/December.
As a bit of background, this is being started as a extension of a canberra/ocaumc group joke We're doing it. Think you can beat us? Try us! We've got politicians here! Canberra's so full of hot air, we could make a sail-bike and win!