Sportsbike Shootout Rnd 2 W/B April 1st
Well it's on again, our second meeting is set after much discussion. March was full nothing free at all so it's April 1st Saturday gates fly open at 2pm. I've told the track I can get 40 bikes so please, please, come one come all. Prizes will be on offer again. Details to follow. Sponsors if you would like to be in it again please pm me with what you would like to give and for what, ie best RT, best 60' etc, it would be much appreciated. Your support and promotion of this event is integral to it's success.

Gates will open at 2pm
Cost will be to race $45 admits 2 people.
Spectators - Adults $18
Students with ID $16
Exclusive use of the Track for Street Bike Shootout entrants from 2pm - 4.30pm. Welcome to stay for the rest of the Event.

The increase from the normal cost of racing at TNT is because these people
have exclusive use of the Track from 2pm - 4.30 when the track then becomes
availalbe to other Test n Tune entrants and the bikes would just be taken in
Entrants and spectators from the Street Bike Shootout are welcome to stay
after 4.30pm at no extra cost.

Would it be possible to get some sort of black boards even from cardboard
made up that could be fastened to each bike and the number written on to
make it easier for the tower to read the numbers.

These are our standing instructions regarding Test n Tune events.

All vehicles MUST CHECK IN before their first run. All riders must sign the
Entry Form. A second person may ride a vehicle BUT they must sign the Entry
Form. After signing the Entry form your arm will be stamped and you must
show the stamp to the Official at the head of the Staging Lanes.

If your BIKE runs slower than 10.50, you will need theas a minimum the following:

Protective Clothing: Leather jacket or equivalent, long pants, gloves, boots & socks


SNELL SA 90, SA 95, SA 2000, SA 2005, SFI 31.2(US) OR SNELL M 90. M 95,
M2000, SFI 41.2 (US)

BS 6658-85 Type A (British) OR SNELL 1990/1995/2000/2005 - SFI 31.1 (US)

BS 6658 -85 Type A/FR (British) OR AS 1698 1974/1988 (Australian)

If a bike runs quicker than 10.50 the vehicle and rider must comply with all relevant ANDRA safety requirements. Any vehicles running quicker than these times at an event and does not comply with the relevant ANDRA safety requiements will not be permitted to take any further part in the event.

Mike Grunwald

Unfortunately this clashes with the Northern NSW River Rampage but I am sure we will have a few takers !


<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 14/2/06 9:43 pm
OMG I dont believe this the next meeting I cant go damn damn damn I have a bloody wedding on that day and I am in the wedding party this is not kewl guys I will have to hit every T n T from now to then hope you all have fun, but I will still do the pamphlet thing my end to promote this even since i wont be there
Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

Ok guys I kept my part of the deal the Flyers will be printed by 5:30 this arvo and I will be picking them up I only had 1000 printed and if that doesnt get 40 bikes through the gates nothing will I will be handing them out on Saturday and Sunday at Bike Mania and also dropping a few off to bike shops over the next few weekends I hope you have a great shootout guys. Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

Don't worry about the River Rampage Shayne.
I think we will have a different group for that event and if it is a success I will do it again.

Good luck with your drags.
"Unleash the beast, but stay in control"

I am torn at the moment I would like to do both but obviously that cant happen although if I left the track at 4PM I could catch up with you guys in the evening and have fun on those great roads the next day. Probably a bit of a push though!

Still some time to work it out! Shayne


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