Aye aye,

Please bring 1 other new rider each, to the next shootout in your State.

Captain. The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!<i></i>
Aye aye,

Whilst I'm on a roll, I'll go for another one. - Please refer to it as a "Sports Bike Shootout" from now on, and not an All Bike event. 1 or 2 "cruisers " for novelty value is O.K. but any signifigant # will kill the whole deal stone dead. Especially in WA.
Your Harley mates have plenty of racing oppertunities with Screaming Eagle - Mod Bike - Street Series etc.

We are aiming at Japanese and European "Sports Bike " culture, in the interests of the events longevity.

Captain The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!<i></i>
I will be officially changing "Bike Night", to "Sports Bike Shootout".

We have a chance to make OUR OWN national series with this, we have the backing of a very respectable motorcycle magazine, who is willing to back this series and give us coverage.
We also have EXCELLENT sponsers who can see that this is going to be a winner, and are putting up some great prizes and vouchers.

Even if we have to get an ANDRA licence to play at their park, it is a small price to pay in comparison to other motor sports.
How much is a 5 hour track day?
How much time do you actually spend on the track?
And what are the chances that you might bin it?

As you have all found out, drag racing is good fun and the people involved are great and will help out with any advice or technical help.(Thanks again Leonard ).
It is also relatively safe and inexpensive in comparison to the alternative of track days.

We want to be targeting our local motorcycle accessories stores, as well as dealerships, let them know there is another motorcycle racing alternative.
This will make OUR "Shoot Outs" better for US, as we will have more opportunities to win something, and who knows, maybe someone will pay you for wearing a sticker on your streetbike because you are out there competeing as well as riding it on the road, it is a win win situation for all involved.


<i>Edited by: CAS3234 at: 12/2/06 4:11 pm
I'm plumb out of favours for this week but should be ok by "Shootout" time, missus permitting.

Leonard. <i></i>
Hey, they werent all favours.
I still owe your missus for the coffees, so you have heaps of favour points left mate.

I would have went home on thursday if it wasnt for your help, and I would have gotten a big "I told you so" to top it off.

Your help is the best, as you have probably made more 400mtr passes than anyone in the country, and you know the Busa inside out.


I am also posting on every other forum I am on so here's hoping we get some more numbers for the next one I will also be speaking with Luke and between us I think we could cover more shops he does the coast I do the south side and maybe even get shredder doing the north side I am sure we will double the last amount of bikes Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

On the up side Bruce is gooone (ANDRA licence) now the rest of us can share all the prizes

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
Simmo, you are just behind him.
Why dont you just get the paper work out of the way now? <i></i>
When I get my 60' right I will have to, been lucky so far
may be thay will change in to 10sec by then
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
Any idea on the next date, we should start a new thread on it when ready to stop it getting mixed up with all the different threads.
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>

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