Clunking Gearbox?
Does anyone else have a gear box that "clunks" when changing going into gear from Neutral.

Ive changed the oil and this now happens. If I have the clutch in for a few seconds and then change no clunking but otherwise quite a "grab".

I assume it is because some of the gears shafts are rotating when in neutral with the clutch out.

Does this mean that oils that allow this to happen a have less friction (the gears or shafts keep rotating for a second or two even when the clutch is in) than oil where this does not occur?

Thanks in advance

I Have noticed ,since changing to Motul 5100 that the gearbox becomes silky smooth for the first 1000 km after an oil change . It then returns to normal ,which is still smooth ,but not as smooth as the first !000 km approx . No Idea why , just an observation .

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(24-09-2010, 06:24pm)Greeny_SA Wrote: I Have noticed ,since changing to Motul 5100 that the gearbox becomes silky smooth for the first 1000 km after an oil change . It then returns to normal ,which is still smooth ,but not as smooth as the first !000 km approx . No Idea why , just an observation .

i agree with greeny i get the same thingPi_thumbsup
born to be mild
Mine clunks when I put it into 1st. I've never owned a bike that doesn't. Isn't that normal?
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Ditto... nothing unusual
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
Every motorcycle I've ever owned has done this. Put it up on the stand, start the engine, put the clutch in and put it in first. Watch that rear wheel spin :)

My understanding is that it's got to do with the wet clutch and the way the plates slide. No biggy, so long as it's not excessive.
Try holding in the clutch for 10 seconds & release the brakes before droping it into gear
also the check the chain is not to tight

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