Warning: RTA muffler crackdown!
I got tipped off today, that the RTA will be doing a blitz on motorcycles at Bald Hill (Stanwell Park) this Sunday.

Apparently, they are going to be issuing tickets to any motorcycle with an aftermarket exhaust, so be warned.
"casting dispersions on others credability." And their illiteracy.
Just recently had a similar if not same thing in Vic. "Operation Pipedown".
Over 700 notices were issued in the first few days. Not sure what the total was. It went for 2 weeks.

The deal was if you were considered to be excessivly noisy;
"simply by recomendation of a Cop on the side of the road just listening as you went past and writing down you rego (seriously!!!)"
you would recieve a notice in the mail that you have to have your bike tested at your own cost
for legal db limits and EPA laws. If you did not comply to the request you risk a cancellation of your registration.

During this period I may or may not have altered my plates with some gaffa tape and a texta.
(little shits next door or one of those punk grafitti artists must have done it and I was unaware.....prove me wrong!!)
so me and my Brocks' Alien Heads are still free to roam without any issues.

Unfortunately my mate got done with his Triumph Speed Triple with Arrow Exhausts and had to replace his entire system back to stock.

It also gets documented as to the exact system on your bike you bring in to be tested and goes with the obvious warning of heavy penalties apply if you get done twice.
Need a riding lawyer up there ... many aftermarket exhausts are completely legal .trouble is they can get away with this sort of illegal harassment..
I love to know why the boys in blue find it right to pick on sport bikes for aftermarket exhaust, when there wouldn't be HD on the road with muffler on let alone STD exhaust!
Maybe a quick phone call to Mark Stenberg to find out what you can do, would maybe help for those members keen to go for a run thru the Nasho this weekend. Let us know how you get on.....
This comes up every couple of years. Its as if we live in a communist society.

CTC insurance, exhaust pipe checks, Speed cameras. Cant we just be left alone!
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
Not unique to the bikes
Albury/ Wodonga is being targetted this weekend for modified cars
Had the same around here a few times.

Recently had a Cop at Ferny Grove / Samford Valley Rd checking every bike for
short rear guards / fender illiminators and a few got tickets for those highly dangerous
tube type rego holders that cause so many deaths and drama's on our roads.

[Image: regos.jpg]

Im normaly out on a stock standard legal bike again,
if im caught on one of the others I only have myself to blame.
looks like you fellas got it abit worse than us here in N.Z. at the moment with noise. we have got a 100db limit on our bikes ar surtain revs and the test equipment as to be this far behind the bike and at this angle and not aloud to be around buildings as for the noise to vibrate off objects so really at present its more up to the bike shop when they test the bike it was mainly brought in because of the boy racers driving round the streets all night but as per the norm the bikes get punished as well easy targets.

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