Two Cylinder Hayabusa
Jumped on old faithful this morning and only went about 100m before it started running on two pots! Tried the usual "on bike" remedies, ie revving it up, but no joy. Rode home and now what?
To my thinking, it's not a coil, because there's four of them!
But crankshaft sensor?, wiring failure? None of them likely, but ....any suggestions?
99 (Copper/Silver I hate to admit, because they are still the best!)
well it could be spark , have you tested all the spark leads?
No, not yet, they are all low tension/voltage anyway. Was hoping this was a "this happens all the time" type problem with an instant low budget fix. I think I'm dreaming!
I had a similar issue on my 00 - it was due to bad fuel - the plugs got spoilt hence the problem came up.
Mmmh, strange, have just filled it too!
Will check plugs for crap tips then.
(19-07-2010, 11:02am)bear Wrote: Mmmh, strange, have just filled it too!
Will check plugs for crap tips then.

Being an external fuel pump model ,I would be checking the small plastic
fuel filter screen on the pump inlet. Some of us SA blokes have had the same problem,they block up & reduce fuel flow ,One symptom is increased fuel consumption. It is an easy fix Bear ,Lift tank (no pump removal required ) Fit the new filter (once you find it ) & Wallaa ,good as gold & back to normal.Also check that the fuel hoses under tank are routed correctly & don't kink when tank is lowered. I'm not saying that this is your problem ,just pointing it out to you as it is quite common on 99-2000 models. It's a necessary annoyance you have to live with for having the fastest model ever made 99-2000 ,They actually did 300+ straight from the showroom , all the others came restricted .When I Say it's a common problem, I really mean ,it will happen eventually, for sure, no two ways about it, so if you have not at least cleaned this filter it will block & cause problems,guaranteed. For some strange reason having a kinked fuel hose brings this on quicker.

If Wisdom Comes with Age , I'm one of the Smartest Blokes Here
(19-07-2010, 11:02am)bear Wrote: Mmmh, strange, have just filled it too!
Will check plugs for crap tips then.

Fuel Pi_thumbsup gut full of water mix
Now time to clean out the fuel pump filters again
I'll be into that tonight. The only thing making me think electrical and not fuel is that it seemed to be running on the same two pots, ie the beat was quite regular. Mind you still went OK for around 80HP I suppose, allowing a bit of air pumping in the other pots!
Plugs out and clean as, but I'm replacing those anyway while I'm in that area.
Will check out filter as I did have kinked hoses (two years ago). But like I say, it just seemed more electrical. Happened very sudden too.
I did a service on my ex's GSXR 600 ( plugs ,filters ,oil ), about 6weeks ago. She rang the next day to say the bike was running the best it has since she had owned it and was grateful for time I had spent on it.
That was until about 2 weeks later when she rang to ask what the hell I had done to her bike, as it had started running like crap and that now it won't even start.
Thinking it couldn't be plugs I started looking for an electrical problem (fuses etc), all to no avail. Even ran the battery flat twice trying to fire it up.
It wasn't until she told me where she gets her fuel from ( a known crap fuel outlet IMO and that I refuse to go to) that I thought it could be a fuel issue.
So I drained the fuel, put in another set of new sparkplugs and a tank full of fresh fuel, it fired up straight away and has been running fine ever since.
Only now she knows not to get fuel from where she had been.

I'd be checking fuel and replacing the plugs.
perhaps injectors clogged. fuel pump on the 99ers always have to be mantained and 3 filters in them, and must changeover fuel hoses that break down with time (4-5yrs) and clog up fuel pump with black sedements.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
If its not giving the "FI" fault code i would check the fuel and fuel system first , any sensors or injectors or coils not functioning properly would trigger a fault
It may be a water related issue as we have had some rain over the last few days...I also had fueling probs with my prevous bike...Bandit... and it turned out to be water in the fuel system. This happend last winter after a week long rest due to rain.

good luck...Ps somewhere on the forum there is a suggestion of putting rubbing alcohol (I think) in the tank to absorb moisture.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
Well, problem solved until I take it to work tomorrow at least!
Because the fault appeared instantly I tended to electrical based problem. Out with plugs, OK but since they are buried I put new ones in to save time later.
Then checked the alternator. Checked OK, ohm wise anyway.
Then the regulator/rectifier and on my test meter, I said it was faulty. On diode test I couldn't get the readings that the service manual said I should, so organised to get a second hand one.
Took my meter and tested that as well, and got the same readings!! But since I was there, I bought it and stuck it in, cleaned all plugs and sockets and was starting to hook all the electrics back up and thought I'd better test voltage out of the stator at some reasonable engine speed.
So that checked OK. Then checked the charging, that was OK.
The slowly dropping penny hit the floor! The engine was running fine while I was busy checking volts etc! So, I'm saying it was the regulator, but I'm not 100%.
Only time will tell.

Thanks to all those who offered advice, I've been very quiet on the forum in recent years but as soon as I had a problem I knew where toi go and knew members would help out. Great to be a member, and thanks!

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