GPS - ( not the Tracking type :)
OK , I think my GPS ( gear position sensor ) may be on its way out - if i don't ride my bike for a week at a time ( yes i know -- shame on me , give myself an upper cut ) when i go to ride it - its a little hesitant in lower gear almost like its on occasions dropping a cylinder, until i get to maybe 3000 RPM plus -- My GI pro also does not show correct gear all the time , sometimes one gear behind - 5th sometimes shows as 6th --( all over the place - never the same )

If i ride for a few days - issues go away - GI Pro always reads correctly , and before you tell me - just keep riding the bike as much as you can ( i would if i could )

Would this be an indication that the GPS is on its way out - and is it an easy fix to replace ? I am a maintenance fitter by trade and work in high speed packaging/ food industries so im on the tools all day so have the mechanical skill , just not the patience :)

any input welcome

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Changing the sensor is a reasonably straight forward job. If you've got the basic technical aptitude you'll be OK.
The symptoms sound a bit odd? If it is going away after a period of use, it may be that there is some type of residue forming over the sensor plate when sitting idle and use is cleaning it off?
When mine played up it was fine when cold but as the bike warmed up it showed all different gears. They may show different faults on different bikes, I'm not sure.
Whilst getting to the sensor isn't tricky, it is just enough of a pain in the Showback not to want to try a quick fix then find you need to open everything up twice because it did need replacing after all.
If the bus is an older model, say 99 to 02, then yes. Some guys have proven that the GPS does wear out and cause electrical issues.
I would only recommend getting a brand new one instead of second hand of course and can't help you with fitting advice.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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