Dynojet ignition module...tips please!
I have done setting up the pc3 on my 12 and it is running smooth,at least it is what the lm2 says!

Now the next step is the dynojet ingition module! I need to know what is the best way to tune the advance thru the ignition module propery.Is it only done when on the dyno?And how?

My spanner man says that there is an external knock sensor that can be added(don't know where) so when you advance too much it tells so you can back off.
That is one thing.Does this method has to done also on the dyno??

What about high temps on summer??
Hi there

I have a TSI unit on my bike which allows me to change pretty much everything. Due to the fact that I am running premium unleaded I am running a 2 degree advance. I have not had any issues with pinging at all.

The IATS (Intake Air Temp Sensor) will adjust the map to a degree based on ambient temperatures. Like anything though - and you can ask a diesel car driver this, you get more power on a colder day.

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