Near misses - What you learnt - How you got out of it
Hutch99 Wrote:VCM cycle seats -i dont know what would piss me off more...

him coming back, or me chasing him. either way hed be

yeah i tells ya hutch i had a few choice things to say an they wernt kind words either
friggggggggggggggggggggggggggggn tin top drivers
Astro Wrote:When behind, I watch the drivers head for sudden movements.... usually a warning of sudden actions. Also watch the tail lights of the cars in front of him. If at all possible, I don't stay behind 4WD's and trucks when I can't see past them. If I can't get out from behind, I just drop back more.

When beside, I make sure I'm not in the blind spot and I watch their front tyres. In most cases tho... I prefer not to be beside them so I either drop back or go past them and try to get clear space on either side of me.

I found having an exhaust system that can be heard is a wonderful thing and sometimes if I think a nearby driver needs a reminder of my existence, I'll drop a cog with a prolonged pre-blip and then throttle on a touch. Just as a reminder.

A mate of mine discovered that erratic drivers tend to settle down when you point at their number plates. If you need both hands... a deliberate 'look' at the plate is often enough. Fact is, you'd probably never remember the plate number, but the driver assumes you will and it removes that element of anonymity.

Good thread.

Dont matter about your exhaust if the farkwit has got his stereo on so loud you can see the windows flexing with the bass. I friggin hate those. My biggest pet hate I think.

As for close hits/near misses, havent had too many, latest one was chick coming towards me on wrong side of road on RH sweeper phone in ear and lightin fag up with other hand. Must of been trying to steer with her knees or sommat. That was a while back though

Lesson learned.... wear bicycle clips on bottom of leathers to stop boots filling up with poo. Missed her by riding in the cycle lane

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