Who does what and do you enjoy it?
Dan85 Wrote:i cant speak chinese how could i teach english to chinese people?

I couldn't speak a word of Chinese when I stepped off the plane. Was not a requirement. No need to. The Uni students I was teaching were already pretty good. I wasn't teaching actual English. More English orientated business & business mgmt.
But it all adds to the adventure....

Being able to speak Chinese before I went would have helped, but it certainly wasn't a hinderance. And it only took me about 2 mths to learn enough to get around by myself & have a decent conversation.
Just got better from there............
sounds good dj. pitty im tone deaf and not good with computers

i was actually jsut having a browse around those teach english site it sounds like an almighty adventure but not something id do by my self i dont think. maybe try and convince my mate who speaks fluent mandarine to come with me

A friend of mine did the English teaching job in South Korea for 2 years and loved it, except for the winters that were deadly cold.
She couldn't speak a word of Korean either and was teaching teenagers basic Engrish at skool.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Mutha Wrote:I enjoy my job, I have worked outdoors, nearly fifteen years now.
Been a courier for about 7 years Motorcycle & Car work.
I love being my own boss, I don't do nights,I don't do weekends and I don't do shift work.Pi_freak
I live central so I get to drop in at home, when I'm in the area.
Start when I like finish when I like and get on very well with all the people I work with. It helps being the only female. Icon_rolleyes
There are days when I would rather be some where else, but over all I am happy with what I do for a crust.

Did I forget to mention, the benefits.
Everything I need for my Bike & Car, gear and fuel included is tax deduction.
Money 4 figures a week . Fatman

Negatives, no work no honey, no paid holidays or sick leave Pi_freak
never fly higher than your angel.
have we got any air traffic controllers in the house?


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