Canberra Ride 21/01/07
Any one interested in a ride to coast, leave QNB 9.00am at Red Roaster <i></i>
Sorry, I'll be on night shifts over the weekend.

I think Max is away interstate so he wont be able to make it.

Busdriver <i></i>
I'm going on the MRA one, leaving Watson at 9am. Thought I'd give the old blokes a run for their money!

Are you coming to drinks on Thursday night? <i></i>
Will try <i></i>
Should be there. I'm off duty.

Sorry guys can't make it to Zeffs on Thursday - major exam that day + cricke training from 6-7:30p.m. <i></i>
So I assume MRA run to coast by the description:

21 January 8:30 for 9:00am start Ampol Watson Fish 'n' Chips Mystery Run

I could be a starter.

I don't think I've met RotorACT at Canberra sips? I been a bit slack getting along sometimes...should be there this week.
If we can confirm MRA is headn to Batemans, perhaps we could bolster the Busa representation along with Heidi?

Oh damn, she prob wanted to take all the glory at that meet and will ward off any approaching Busa bling that will challenge her groupies

Canberra's Best Silver/Black K5!<i>Edited by: monyx at: 17/1/07 13:54
I don't know if I'v mmet him either (you know I am crap at names). I think the whole idea of it being a 'Mystery Run' is that we don't know where we are going to end up. Bateman's would have to be a fair guess though.

KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY GROUPIES! You KNOW I love the crusties. <i></i>
I met Hidy/Max at jindy last year. (my mate is the deaf guy). I'm a bit anti social but friendly so i should try to make it tomo <i></i>
EXCELLENT! I'm fairly antisocial myself so you'll fit right in!

HEIDI xxx <i></i>
well if it aint wet, I will be at Watson Sun AM to join MRA ride. IF they're continuing to Nowra or elsewhere I might stop in at Dad's place at Surfside, then return Canb same route, then again if the weather is nice I might do whole loop.

RotorACT, if you're going do you wanna meet-up as I'm headn from Tuggeranong?
M: 0409 587 458 Mark
Canberra's Best Silver/Black K5!<i></i>

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