wanted playstation 3
anyone got one their willing to sell?
I've been to 10 different shops today all sold out !!
must be bluray and would also like it to be 60gig or bigger.
Hi Rod,

I've got one! but you'd have to fight 3 kids to get it...........Icon_box_

I have the 40 gig model. It was the only one available at the time. Blue ray movies through a good power amp onto the projector are great!!! Drool

The kids play their games through the projector too. I must be getting old, but all that movement makes me motion sick? Confused

Good luck with your quest..

Cheers, Phil. "Riding not Talking"
Ditto Giddy
& you may have to up grade your internet like I'm doing they are powerful suckers for on line games they will suck your down load time in a flash Scary

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