Find the Motorcycle
Can you find the motorcycle?

A picture is worth a thousand words. The Honda rider was travelling at such a 'very high speed', his reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. Swedish Police estimate a speed of ~250 KM/h (155 mph) before the bike hit the slow moving car side-on at an intersection.
At that speed, they predicted that the rider's reaction time (once the vehicle came into view) wasn't sufficient enough for him to even apply the brakes. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 10 feet from where the collision took place.
All three involved (two in car and rider) were killed instantly. This
graphic demonstration was placed at the Stockholm Motorcycle Fair by the Swedish Police and Road Safety Department. The sign above the display also noted that the rider had only recently obtained his
license. At 250 KM (155 mph) the operator is travelling at 227 feet
per second. With normal reaction time to SEE-DECIDE-REACT of 1.6 seconds the above operator would have travelled over 363 feet while making a decision on what actions to take. In this incident the Swedish police indicate that no actions were taken. In other words, they didn't even have time to say, 'Oh, ####!'
Gee they did a good job of removing the blood and guts before the expo.
Licence Back!
this is actually quiet old -- i had seen this years ago .... but still a valuable lesson
Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
I really dont know why this sort of shit is posted up over and over, no offence to the poster at all intended.
I know what speed can do and dont need constant reminders of my own mortality it does nothing to affect my behaviour just pisses me off. I speed as do most here hopefully in the right place and at the right time. These photos do nothing more than show the end result of a blind driver and probably a stupid rider. Shit happens - people die - so what - I still enjoy doing what I do and am old enough to realise that it might end badly.

Live life, take the occasional calculated risk in the right place at the right time and f*** the consequences.

Keep this morbid shit off our site I say.

By the way that gutless honda wont do 155mph
Confused250km/h Looks like a 2 fiddy to me, I could be wrong.Undecided

never fly higher than your angel.
It's quite an old pic, probably about 10 years. It's an RC30 or RC45, can't remember which it was.
I agree with Blackzook.

Motorcycling is dangerous, we are 27 time more likely to die ya da ya da.

I ride for fun, Im aware of the risks, I have calculated that the fun is worth the risk and hope that none of us will get hurt or killed - unfortunately some of us will. Hopefully its due to rotten bad luck and not some moronic behaviour (from either the rider or others).

Like Blackzook, I dont need to be reminded of this - denial is sometimes a good thing!

On my last ride, a chap on a Harley that I had passed standing still, said to me, 'at least I'm not going to die'. I said, 'at least I know I'm alive'.

We all take calculated risks, would you rather play it safe and wear beige?
Heidi1 Wrote:On my last ride, a chap on a Harley that I had passed standing still, said to me, 'at least I'm not going to die'.

Possible answers :

1) So, riding a Harley makes you an immortal does it? Wanker!
2) While you're ploughing the back 30 acres, be careful of stumps. Wanker!
3) You think that lump of unbalanced, undersprung, wobbling shit is safe at ANY speed?? Wanker!
4) Its the 'at least I wont die' attitude that gets you killed. Wanker!

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