Ron Balls R.I.P - Printable Version

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Ron Balls R.I.P - fastfreddygassit - 17-02-2008

I dislike posting sh!t like this, but given the description of the rider, I can only think of one person.
And I hope to God it isn't him.
Does anyone have any info?
Herald-Sun link

Further info.

Sadly Ron Solomon (Balls) passed away today doing what he loved most.
I am gutted.
Vale Ronnie

RE: Vale Balls - Taubusa - 17-02-2008

My sincerest condolences to all who knew him. May he rest in peace.

RE: Vale Balls - spamanglenn - 17-02-2008

Is this confirmed?I knew the guy from the jindy rides.Thats shocking news.Sad day for busa riders. RIP Ron.

RE: Vale Balls - NEMESIS - 17-02-2008


I just was speaking to him the other weekendUndecided

Why does everyone assume its ron?
Anyone got confirmation its him?
I read the link an i dont know,i just dont beleive it.
Sure it matches the description,area,age but i dont know.

Il go in an see whats going on at the shop tommorow.
I pray to god it isnt him.

RE: Vale Balls - NEMESIS - 17-02-2008

I just called his mob,an talked to george.
Yeh its him.Frown

Gutted isnt the word. Undecided

RE: Vale Balls - Macbusa - 17-02-2008

is that the guy from balls performance? am i thinking of the same bloke?

RIP fellow rider.

RE: Vale Balls - fastfreddygassit - 17-02-2008

NEMESIS Wrote:I just called his mob,an talked to george.
Yeh its him.Frown

Gutted isnt the word. Undecided

Yeah, when I read the report I didn't want to ring his mobile.
So my mate did and George unfortunately confirmed the sad news.
Then other people have rung up during the day.
This sucks big time
Ronnie was invincible.
My heart goes out to Faye and family.

RE: Vale Balls - Volvi - 17-02-2008

frakk thats like a bullet to our collective heads. gutted here to. R.I.P. Ron

RE: Vale Balls - Mutha - 17-02-2008

Very sad news to hear that Ron Balls has passed, condolences to his wife & family and all who knew him.

Does anybody know who the other injured rider was ?



RE: Vale Balls - NEMESIS - 17-02-2008

fastfreddygassit Wrote:
NEMESIS Wrote:I just called his mob,an talked to george.
Yeh its him.Frown

Gutted isnt the word. Undecided

Yeah, when I read the report I didn't want to ring his mobile.
So my mate did and George unfortunately confirmed the sad news.
Then other people have rung up during the day.
This sucks big time
Ronnie was invincible.
My heart goes out to Faye and family.

Yeh tell me about it,some of the stories he used to tell me fark.
I was there the other week talking to him about my mate that passed
away on new years just after picking his bike up from the shop an
he couldnt beleive it either.

The best wheelie ive ever seen my bike do was with ron riding it!
Il never forget it.

Hes always helped me out heaps,too good of a guy.
Im lost for words Undecided

RE: Vale Balls - busababy - 17-02-2008

Saw the news article in the Age, had no idea that it was our beloved Ballsy... shaken to the core of my sole.... MHDSRIP... my sincerest condolences to his entire family..
Les Kohn

RE: Vale Balls - AntsBuza - 17-02-2008

Condolences to his family.

Had some work done by him nice bloke.

RIP Balls

RE: Vale Balls - Rev - 17-02-2008

Tragic news......I am lost for words, I last saw Ron on the run home from Jindy, he shouted me lunch at Myrtleford....now this. He was always there to lend a hand & I will remember him for his generosity & helpfulness towards people in general & particularly fellow riders with bike problems.

A larger than life character who will be sadly missed.

RIP Ron...................Condolences to his friends & entire family.

RE: Vale Balls - Beestroyer - 17-02-2008

Just got a phone call from a friend telling me this.

Ive ridden with Ron many times and was a regular of his service when i owned the Busa. He was always helpful, full of advice and a truly great guy. This is a real shock.

RIP Ron. My greatest condolences to Faye and all the family at Balls.

I hope his business continues in his name.

RE: Vale Balls - BUSGO - 17-02-2008

I am so sad to read this tragic news for all our Victorian mates and Ron's family and friends.

R.I.P Ron. Although I hardly new him but for a smile and a shake of the hands, I know that he had total respect from all his mates and associates.