For once a nice bike cop - Printable Version

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For once a nice bike cop - copperjosh - 12-01-2008

Lol, just a quickie, normally get ignored by motorcycle cops and feel like they are very hard on other bikers but today I filtered up through traffic at the lights & absolutely smoked it off the line.

Unknown to me, a motorcycle cop was in the other lane several cars back...woops! Eek

In what I can only describe as bizarre, he caught up to me, lined up (i'm shitting myself Scary)....then he proceeded to nod, gave me the thumbs up & turned off onto another street. Lol2 I thought I was farked for sure.

Sense of relief and the grin on my face was massive. Finally a motorcycle cop with an appreciation for fun Very Happy

Just a side note, I certainly never endanger anyone in traffic, I pick my spots away from other users and occasionally let her rip.

Any other people want to share similiar stories???

RE: For once a nice bike cop - Doc - 12-01-2008

copperjosh Wrote:Any other people want to share similiar stories???
was travelling down Hoddle st a while back when this prick in a subaru came over and hit my leg
I hit the horn and punched his passenger window and sprayed him .
he just looked at me with a stupid look and came over again .
when we came out from under the bridge I was gesturing the finger across the throat and pointing to the traffic lights which were red saying that i was goiung to kill him when we get up there.
Next thing i know we are pulling up , the stands down and i am hoping off to see a bright yellow police car behind me and the copper pointing to the footpath .
I hoped on the bike roade across the lights up onto the footpath and he hopped out of the car and started walking to me as he was i took my helemt off and banged it down on the seat and it bounced up in the air and i had to catch it , i was still fuming and wanted to slap someone .
The copper stopped and the end of his bonnet and paused a bit as he saw i was trying to gain my composser .
anyway he says you were doing 80 in a 60 zone , i said " if you had of waited another 20 seconds you could have had me for road rage and destruction of private property too"
he said I saw the interaction you were having with the other bloke , i asked him if he saw the incedent and he said yes .
I said why isnt he booking him , he said because he is not the danger at the moment you are in a mood like this .
I have his rego and will deal with him soon , but I wanted to seperate you two before something went sour .

anyway he checked my liscense and said to me "you blokes are F-Wits for riding these things "
I thought what did he say
then he explained that he had been hit 2 times today once by a taxi driver upo the arse at the traffic lights and nearly T - Boned at another set .
he said "i dont know how you blokes survive "
anyway we got to chatting , turned a blind eye to the obstructed rego plate , asked if I had calmed down enough to be trusted with other road users .
and let me go .
about 3 weeks later i got a letter asking for a statement of the incedent , the copper was doing him for neg driving
happily submitted it and never heard anything more .

that is one of the RARE ones i have come across , but was a nice change .

RE: For once a nice bike cop - BUSGO - 12-01-2008

Yes, there are some good cops amongst the bad.

In my many years of riding, I have had my share of stops.

The worst - I was riding into the city one Sunday night to do the loop of the bike stops looking for some buddies. ( This was in the 70's) I got pulled over by a bike cop and he said I got you doing 80 in a 60 zone. That was complete bullshit! I was cruising at about 60ish.
I protested that I had NOT been speeding and he said that he had had enough shit from you young biker dickheads. (I was on my Ps and any ticket would be a suspension).
He visually checked my license and gave it back with the comment that I should do a U turn and piss off home because if I continue into town he is gonna book me!

WHATTHA! - I went home.

The BEST! - I was in the Air Force and commuted weekly from Canberrra back to Newcastle every Friday afternoon on the OLD Hume HWY before we had any freeway sections.

I was approaching BERRIMA on my Laverda SF750 and came up behind about 3 cars being slowed by a caravan. I sat in behind for a minute or two and we came to an uphill stretch near the pine forrest that I knew was clear of any driveways or sideroads. It was double lined but I could see right to the top of the hill.
I gunned it and overtook all the vehicles and carried on at my steady pace of about 140kph. That was my steady speed at the time on the Hume between traffic. ( Those were the Good old days! pre radar).

When I approached Piction I saw a semi trailer that appeared to be jackknifed across all the lanes up ahead. I slowed down and there was a cop waving all the traffic through. As I rolled up to him, he told me to pull over at the side of the road, which I did.

He came over and said that he wanted me to wait there for a minute because someone was trying to catch up to me.

Sure enough a couple of minutes later a highway patrol car pull in behind me.
Out jumps a cop and he comes over and asks me for my license.. I give it to him and he then says where are you going? I said that I am in the Air Force and heading home for the weekend.
Then he says I was behind you back at Berrima when you overtook on double lines. I said yep I thought that I had plenty of room to get through.

He then says well you did, but take it easy and you will live a little longer - Off you go and slow down.

Great bloke!

RE: For once a nice bike cop - black13 - 12-01-2008

this one was'nt a bike cop but on my way back from the jindy ride i was about 40ks out from horsham heading to adelaide, i slowed down every time i spotted a car coming towards me, thinking it could be plod, i glanced in my mirror & seen a white car racing towards me, next thing flashing lights, damn, i'm done,pull over & plod says he got me doing 115 in 100 zone then says when he turned & followed me he worked out my average speed over 960mtrs was 129kph, did the bretho , license, rego check, all good ,asks me where ive come from & where i'm headed to, i said i'm trying to make good daylight time. he let me off with a caution . then said i know the busa will do alot more than 115kph, i said it'll do a lot more than that in 1st gear, he smiled & said go easy. he drove off & had'nt travelled 100mtr & bang he got a bike coming in the opposite direction. doesnt get much luckier i guess. the plod was driving an unmarked xr6 turbo ford.
with regard to bike cops in this state, they have a huge chip on there shoulder & have a serious attitude problem

RE: For once a nice bike cop - bandit - 12-01-2008

Not a bike cop either but i was heading home from Joe's garage in Hobart one bike night along Brooker Ave sticking to the speed limit as the cops are like Nazi's along there when i get the whole blue lights a flashing and pull over.cop asks for liscence and so on then tells me my tail light is out. i said looks like it the dash lights have just gone out on me too.
He says probably a blown fuse ,so here i am pulling the side plates off my gpz900r on the side of the main hwy with this copper holding his bloody torch so i can see.
Anyway the fuse was blown and so was the spare and he says can't ride it like that and went to his car and i'm thinking he is going to book me for sure.
Next thing i know he comes back with a fuse and says that should keep you out of trouble helped me fir it all back up the off he droveEgyptian

RE: For once a nice bike cop - jaycbr250 - 12-01-2008

this guy was a bike bike cop now is a 1st response unit in montrose vic so he deals with offs on the black and reefton spurs he is currently looking after me and my mates fatal accident to which im the main witness even though i told him i passed him as he was responding to said accident at around 190 kmh no tickets didn't even blink he is a top guy and has kept me informed about court cases and such I hope no one on here as the privilege to meet him his name is Ian but if you do thank him on behalf of all riders as he actually believes the rider is not always at faultYes

the full trial is on 6th oct this year it lasts a week the meathead in the 4WD that caused it should be fkd wish me luck people its taken 3 years too get to here.

RE: For once a nice bike cop - Gnarbunkle99 - 13-01-2008

"You lucky, lucky bastards, they must think the sun shines out of youre arses"

RE: For once a nice bike cop - LOAFIE - 13-01-2008

Brian , im brian and so is my wife Hijacked

RE: For once a nice bike cop - BLACKZOOK - 13-01-2008

only hung me the right way up yesterday

RE: For once a nice bike cop - LOAFIE - 13-01-2008

jaycbr250 Wrote:this guy was a bike bike cop now is a 1st response unit in montrose vic so he deals with offs on the black and reefton spurs he is currently looking after me and my mates fatal accident to which im the main witness even though i told him i passed him as he was responding to said accident at around 190 kmh no tickets didn't even blink he is a top guy and has kept me informed about court cases and such I hope no one on here as the privilege to meet him his name is Ian but if you do thank him on behalf of all riders as he actually believes the rider is not always at faultYes

the full trial is on 6th oct this year it lasts a week the meathead in the 4WD that caused it should be fkd wish me luck people its taken 3 years too get to here.

Good luck with the case JayPi_thumbsup

RE: For once a nice bike cop - Maj - 13-01-2008

I.ve had good and bad
Good 160 in a 100 zone, warning and let off, bad 140 in a 100 zone when i was only doing a suzuki indicated 110 ...suppose the average is ok

RE: For once a nice bike cop - jzbusa - 13-01-2008

Back when i had my 600 i used to give it heaps down the on ramp to the freeway every day to work, could just hit 200 before the merge. One sat morn there was a copper with a radar hiding in the bushes & got me from behind & i didnt know till the light show behind me. Pulls me over, usual checks, shows me the radar readout, reads 123 (back when 130 was licence time). smiles at me & says i know you were going a lot faster, lucky i stopped pointing this thing at ya, just having some fun. "ill use 123 on the next car" Told me what he rode & said have a good day. top bloke.

RE: For once a nice bike cop - arthur dunga - 13-01-2008

I had a lucky escape 2 weeks before xmas 90 in a 50 zone , late at night ,unmarked car,did the breatho & lic checks,asked me if i had a reason for speeding (& i kid you not, seen on a post here)i said i'm busting for a shit.Started shifting my weight from one foot to the other & said maaate can you hurry up he's starting to poke his head out.Bloke started laughing & said get going (haven't recieved anything yet)

RE: For once a nice bike cop - Heidi1 - 14-01-2008

I got done on Tuesday, 74 in a 60 zone. I was overtaking a scooter and suddenly there was a bloke standing in the middle of the road. Pulled over and he said, 'hello sir, how fast do you think you were going?'. I took off the helmet and said, 'not sure, I was overtaking that damn scooter'.

He asked if I had a reason for speeding and I said yes, but you must be sick to death of excuses, I think he was still feeling guilty about the 'hello sir', and he said try me. I told him that I had been following that damn scooter for about five minutes and watched him use both wheel tracks, not look into roads that t-boned us, not look at round-a-bouts and generally rely on that magic safety bubble that protects scooter riders. I said I'd sat in the right hand wheel track trying to make sure he could at least see me, but I'd seen the MOMENT the idiot saw me, and that was a LOONG time after I appeared there. I hadn't had a chance to overtake him as we were on tiny but busy suburban roads and he was such a nob I figured if I flashed past he'd probably fall off into the on-coming traffic and take off his skin as he was wearing a t-shirt, shorts and thongs.

I told the cop that the first chance I'd had to get past safely was exactly where he got me for speeding. He looked at the bike, looked at me and said, 'scooter riders shit me too, they really can't ride can they. Let's get this next car!'

He stepped out, pulled over the next car, laughed and waved me off. Nice bloke!

RE: For once a nice bike cop - Dan85 - 14-01-2008

flashed past a cop bike at about 530am doing 190 in 100 zone on the way to work. just caught hm putting his lights on as i roundeda corner so i pulled up and waited for him. sure enough he comes floating past doing a healthy speed looks a me sitting thereso he stops turned around and came back and his first question was.........why did you stop? i laughed my arse off and told him it was the right thing to do so he told me to get my arse to work and slow down