unemployed - Printable Version

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unemployed - black13 - 03-11-2007

g'day ,I started work at a biodeisel plant 6mnths ago after leaving stable work previously. the company was the last remaining biodsel processor operating in aust, the company had been on shaky ground for a while, everone that worked in adelaide & wa plants were given no warning of impending doom, company called a snap meeting & we were made redundant immediatley. life sucks sometimes.
if your going on jindy ride & havn't booked accom pm me cause ive payed for 2 nights accom, will sell at half price , cause I cant go now, need to focus on getting a new job

RE: unemployed - rave - 03-11-2007

Sorry to hear bout ya job Paul that really blows! Frown

RE: unemployed - Louwai - 05-11-2007

black13 Wrote:g'day ,I started work at a biodeisel plant 6mnths ago after leaving stable work previously. the company was the last remaining biodsel processor operating in aust, the company had been on shaky ground for a while, everone that worked in adelaide & wa plants were given no warning of impending doom, company called a snap meeting & we were made redundant immediatley. life sucks sometimes.
if your going on jindy ride & havn't booked accom pm me cause ive payed for 2 nights accom, will sell at half price , cause I cant go now, need to focus on getting a new job

Get onto Monodelphous (construction co.) they have work at Prominent Hill Copper Mine Construction Project near Coober Pedy. Good money.

RE: unemployed - Ozboc - 13-11-2007

black13 Wrote:g'day ,I started work at a biodeisel plant 6mnths ago after leaving stable work previously. the company was the last remaining biodsel processor operating in aust, the company had been on shaky ground for a while, everone that worked in adelaide & wa plants were given no warning of impending doom, company called a snap meeting & we were made redundant immediatley. life sucks sometimes.
if your going on jindy ride & havn't booked accom pm me cause ive payed for 2 nights accom, will sell at half price , cause I cant go now, need to focus on getting a new job

Hey i make my own biodiesel at home for my 4x4 -- any tips you want to help me with ? i generally get a good conversion first time around ...( been making it now for about 1 year )

make 150 litres at a time --


RE: unemployed - slowandsteady - 13-11-2007

I'm sure since Pauls OP was about being UNEMPLOYED, I'm sure he'll be happy to provide you advice.............for a fee

RE: unemployed - Ozboc - 13-11-2007

slowandsteady Wrote:I'm sure since Pauls OP was about being UNEMPLOYED, I'm sure he'll be happy to provide you advice.............for a fee

And any time we offer him help on advice he has sourt then perhaps we charge him a fee?

isnt the open forums on the internet for free advice and helping of others?


RE: unemployed - slowandsteady - 13-11-2007

Having a joke bloke. Should have used one of these I guess: Very Happy

RE: unemployed - Ozboc - 13-11-2007

slowandsteady Wrote:Having a joke bloke. Should have used one of these I guess: Very Happy

Sorry - buried a friend yesterday after a battle with cancer. so kind of on the defensive this week ...... :(


RE: unemployed - Tone165 - 13-11-2007

Hope everything sorts out soon Paul.

You never know..this may be an opportunity..life does things like this sometimes!