ZX14 info - Printable Version

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ZX14 info - Timj - 20-04-2007

Hey guys,

finally I got the ZX14 into Dynotime for a run today. Only mods to the bike are a pair of Muzzy Slipon's, PC3 & the secondary butterflies removed, has stock everything else. Russell did a remap for me and setup the suspension for me too, so far so good.

Anyway figures are:

Drum roll.......

176.1HP @ 9800RPM and 103.4FtLb @ 7900RPM

Not too shabby Pi_thumbsup

RE: ZX14 info - RaZz0R - 20-04-2007

not bad at all..... but wait.. what the busa pull with the same mods? would be interested to see. Mine would be close to that - my last one done at Petes Pit Stop I THINK was 174HP @ 9,500rpm... but I dont have that one scanned in either.. will have to get it done then :)


RE: ZX14 info - Gnarbunkle99 - 20-04-2007

I think you may have accidently pressed the wrong shortcut button on your browser, this is for Hayabusas not ZX14s.

RE: ZX14 info - ROD - 20-04-2007

had a look at a ZX14s the other day realy did nothing for me Violin

RE: ZX14 info - Gnarbunkle99 - 20-04-2007

One of the lads commented that they put a "george foreman grill" along each side!!!

RE: ZX14 info - Madmax - 20-04-2007

I rode one here in Canberra, nice enough bike for sure, but not a pretender to ouyr throne. Kwakas come and Kwackas go- Hayabusa has been here for 8 years and still the superior speed machine. It might take the big K another 7 years to be ready for a tilt at our King of Speed.

Sorry Timj All I have to say about the big Kwack is "This is the best you could do after 7 years! Try again big fella!" and me not being at all rude. :rolleyes:

Max - Busas Rule :ausflag:Hayabusabusa::ausflag:

RE: ZX14 info - jump - 20-04-2007

Tim Tim Tim Wtf Mate Its not a busa mate its a kawasaki who cares
there is no prize for ten years down the track mate and this is a busa site last time i looked !
Violin Cmon mate trade it in get another busa spare us the pain !

Rgs PaulPi_thumbsup

RE: ZX14 info - ROD - 20-04-2007

on a serious note befour someone does take affence yes this is a busa site but non busa owners are just as welcome but you will be out numbered so no bad words about the busa or Knuppel2

RE: ZX14 info - Timj - 20-04-2007

Youse can all GAGF Very Happy

Just thought I'd let you know what the bike will do with minor mods, I guess you all forget what my last bike was... Funny you won't find me on any sites bagging the Hayabusa, unlike some ;)

RE: ZX14 info - jzbusa - 20-04-2007

Sure their dam ugly, love the george forman comment. But seriously, does anyone think think the busa is pretty ? Definitely looks better from the cockpit imo. At least you can lean a busa to the edge of the tyre (or nearly!) without scraping the faring. No disrespect but, 14's very fast

RE: ZX14 info - garbo - 21-04-2007

jzbusa Wrote:Sure their dam ugly, love the george forman comment. But seriously, does anyone think think the busa is pretty ? Definitely looks better from the cockpit imo. At least you can lean a busa to the edge of the tyre (or nearly!) without scraping the faring. No disrespect but, 14's very fast

better from the cockpit. Nobody has better put it.

RE: ZX14 info - spamanglenn - 21-04-2007

A stock zx 14 makes the same power and torque as a piped and airbox modded busa(tuned).With slip ons tuned tims bike is as it should be, 5-7hp better.With a tiforce full system and pc3 tuned at dynoverks in melbourne with standard airbox and filter one made 183hpsae.with airbox mods,aircleaner etc high 180,s is available and mid to low 190,s with mr9 according to brock davidson(albeit on the std correction factor).

RE: ZX14 info - BUSGO - 21-04-2007

"Quick. Give me everything she's got Scottie!"

"I canna gae ya anymore cappn! She's hittin the limit now sir!"


RE: ZX14 info - F.B.R.1347 - 21-04-2007


Hey Tim keep it comming, I want to know how your mods go.

This will be a great chance for us to get some unbiast input

on how the Busa and ZX14 compare. Seeing as Tim is the

only one on here that has had the chance to own a Busa

and then the ZX14....:pi_money:

Keep posting MATEPi_thumbsup
[Image: Pictures-2007_ZX14_Prostock_Concept.jpg?t=1177112053]

That looks f*&^ing FAST    Drool

RE: ZX14 info - Volvi - 21-04-2007

I dunno why many hate the 14 saying its ugly as hell. I dont mind the 14 all black and am not even a kiwi. besides all said at first impression the busa was really fuggly. took me a while to love me ugly copper beast.

Talk of air box mod above might be a timely note here to say I have one up for sale on ebay