Motivation to donation. - Printable Version

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Motivation to donation. - Fast Freddy Gassit - 04-04-2001

This is a mirror to the AHC post:

Begin quote:

Have a set of trick Mototeck Guage Faces (Fitted)I am prepared to donate to the highest cash donation contributor towards our present " Helping Hand " project. Valued at $250.00 Aust. Please pledge donations on this board or via Fast Freddie on the other board. All reciepts regarding monies spent, shall be made public at completion of bike.

Thanks again guys and girls.
PS To all riders please re-asses your safety apparel ie Gloves, Helmet, leathers, Back Protector's etc

End quote.

I have to echo Peter's sentiments re: protective gear especially Gloves, Helmet, leathers (or race jacket) & Back Protector.
An accident can happen at any time to any one. And usually to those that least expect it. Unfortunately.

Re: Motivation to donation. - demeester - 06-04-2001

I know that others have offered money privately, and while I agree with this, I think the idea of public pledging can encourage others to follow suit. This is not to draw attention to myself, but to encourage others who may be considering. $100.

Donation - Fox - 06-04-2001

I'll go $150!

Good motivation! - Snaggs - 07-04-2001

Fantastic offer Col and I thank you for the most generous donation of your time and effort also. On top of that, if the person is from Melbourne (or wants to bring his bike to Melbourne)I will add to that offer, by Dyno Tuning and Remapping his Busa free of charge after the head mod. All in all this adds to about at least a fifteen hundred to two grand pick up I would estimate.
In light of Col's offer the Mototeck Guage faces will now go to the second highest cash donation made. So come on Melburnian Busa riders Sydneys holding the lead at the moment.......... whats that song ? Fox On The Run

I must add here that it has been an absolute buzz to see just what can be achieved by a group of people once they band together. My thanks to all who have donated and become involved in this effort once again. Boss
Riding...Not Talking About it !

O.K. We might as well have a third highest donation prize, so I'm offering a Mick Doohan photo(riding at Phillip Island)signed by the man himself. Will post a pic of it soon. So come on folks, get those donations rolling in!
Snaggs-Just Ride!

Re: Good motivation! - demeester - 07-04-2001

Have been told what the "prize" is for the highest bid. (Can we get that re-posted here)?

It should probably be pointed out that the "prizes" are for donations based on pledges. This is not an "auction". (Although you can up your bids...).

This in mind, we'll throw in a "fourth" place of a t-shirt (sorry, don't have much to offer to compare to 1, 2, and 3).

And I will add another $100 bucks, taking my total up to $200.

Colins generous donation incentive... - Fast Freddy Gassit - 07-04-2001

As da boss has difficulty posting here I'll mirror whats on the AHC site
in regards to what Col has offered.

Start Quote>

Good to see I'm not banned any more, and I'll leave that as it is.
To help the poor guy out since I have no parts to offer, what about this.
For the person that puts up the best cash donation by the end of April, I will supply to then a fully ported and flowed
cylinder head with a competition valve seat job.
All they will need to do is send me their Cylinder head and they will get back a fully preped race head, all ready to bolt on.
Regards Col

End Quote>

Thats a seriously awesome offer.
Thankyou Col.

The leader board has the gorgeous Kym ( -1K jaffabusa) in front with a $250 pledge.
This puts birthday boy Richard in 2nd with $200. (Happy 32nd mate!!)

Just to clear things up...
We are looking for donations to help a fallen rider/club member/busa fanatic and friend.
If you happen to recieve goods and/or services for your donation then that is a bonus.
I guess there is an incentive to donate more than you normally would with the stuff on offer.

Peter (Boss2) is has made himself not eligable for any of the goodies but it should be noted
that in the last 5 days has invested a few thou to help our fallen rider fix his bike. Thanks.

As for me, I need a headjob, so I'll pledge $300.
Hey that makes me numero uno.
Lets see who is going to do better.

Thanyou for the support.

__________________________________ The club is for helping each other out. I am trying my best. What about you? __________________________________

Re: Colins generous donation incentive... - Snaggs - 09-04-2001

I have been busy working for the past few days and hav'nt had a chance to look at the board, it put a real smile on my face to all the people offering their services ect.....
well done to all, by gee by golly by jingo i wish i owned a Busa to get that free headjob......anyway i have offered my services for painting and now there is only one thing left to do ( i dont beleive im doing this ) i have a life sized cut out of the man !!!! Mick Doohan SIGNED !!!!! that is up for grabs for who ever fits into whatever catagory with the cash donation bizzo . this is a very rare item and i think there will be a tear in my eye when i see it go.
And well done once again to all esp Boss and Col....
Chopper (with ears or without?)

Unreal Kirky...........and did I say I was in-eligble for the incentives.........bugger.
Okay so we have a new line up which is as follows >>

Highest personal cash donation is Col's 10\10ths race prepped Busa head including full Dyno tune and Remap by myself.

Second highest donation is choice of a Full Size Personally Autographed cut out of the master himself (Mick Doohan)for those who don't know who the master is! Or.... the Mototeck Guage Faces.....Fitted (thanks Kirky)

Third highest donation recieves what second highest passes up,which is self explanatory I guess !

Fourth highest donation recieves a Mick Doohan personally signed Photo of the man himself. (Thanks Snags)

Fifth highest recieves the Busa T-Shirt (Thanks Richard)

Once again I must comment on the generosity of all those who have donated to date.........absolutely fantastic. Respectfully would like to add that as the remaining parts required to complete the repairs, are to be ordered tomorrow
would appreciate if the donations pledged could be recieved as early as possible. Thanking you all again Boss
ps Could someone please repost this post on other board a I am not able. Thanks again to all.
Riding...Not Talking About it !