undecided on the busa - Printable Version

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undecided on the busa - nolts - 17-05-2001

I am 29, on my P's and riding a Suzuki X913. I just love the styling and the sheer power that the busa exudes. I am not looking to go screaming off into the wild blue yonder as soon as I am legally allowed, but...
Do you think I should work my way up to a power machine of this size, or is a responsible attitude and good road skills and handling enough to make the (seemingly outrageous) leap from 250cc to 1300cc. Help me out with some opinions there Busa owners!

Swim first - col - 17-05-2001


My response is to get somthing like a 600/750 GSXR of about 2000 vintage and learn a bit more before you jump into the fire.

Regards Col

Re: undecided on the busa - busababy - 18-05-2001

On the other hand,,,

You have shown real maturity by considering this question before making a purchase decision. And whilst the busa is often referred to as a BEAST, it ain't no beast at all, unless you tell it to be.

In other words, the busa straight out of the box, is so good and so versatile and so smooth and rider friendly that a mature and responsible rider with the right attitude and respect for its capability, could learn to handle it over a period.

I would emphasize that respect for the machine and knowing your own limitations would have to be your focus at all times whilst riding such a machine.

There is no simple answer to your question and Col is definitely right in what he suggests, but it's generally an individual decision based on lots of variables. You alone can but decide which is the right way to go.

I'm sure you will get plenty of input here from our various members, weigh it all up and let us know what you decide to do. We would be more than happy to see you on one of our club rides (Melbourne in my case) and provide you with further input.

Good luck,

Sink Or Swim - busabadboy - 18-05-2001

I reckon that Cols given ya the gear on this one,step up a bit by bit is the safe way to go.busababy suggests that to quote (could learn to handle it over a period) the problem is what happens to you whilst in that period.In a few seconds of lapse of concentration on a Busa big things can happen. You may even find times when you as far as your relexs and actions go,are literally left behind the bike,this is when ya get into trouble real easy as things just happen to quick for your level of experience to cope with. So hey get a gixxer and learn it good and I'd say there are plenty of busa riders out there that you'd be able to round up. BBB

Busa or Bust ?? - Frosty - 18-05-2001

If nothing else, your enquiry shows a level of good taste. I reckon both Col and Les are right but consider that there is a level of investment in the purchase of and then if you read the postings here, the insurance of a Busa' that I would imagine is somewhat more than a 600. Given you'r just off the P's I reckon go for the interim option and work up to the bus. Having said that, it's damn easy to ride. I remember my first time and thinking what the hell was all the fuss about until I really cracked it for the first time in 3rd at around 6k and have had religion ever since.
Good luck and always ride against yourself and don't try to impress the mates and all will be cool.

Re: Busa or Bust ?? - rocketman - 18-05-2001

Listen, a busa is too much too soon. Get a 600, learn how to ride it properly, do track days etc. Then get a Busa if that's the way ya wanna go.

Either way it's your decision........have fun !!!

Re: undecided on the busa - nolts - 18-05-2001

Thanks a bunch for your replies lads. I value your opinions. I have been contemplating the GSXR750, and also the TL1000R, which may be a handful in itself. I think I'll have to postpone that Hayabusa ride day until say...2003? See you there!

Re: undecided on the busa - rocketman - 18-05-2001

Forget the TLR as well...they are a REAL Handful and will BITE inexperienced riders. I can't think of one particular bike that has a worse track record amongst our group of friends. Set up correctly they are great, but the things are so difficult to get right. Trust me on this one !

The GSXR 750, in particular the new 00 / 01 models are brilliant, stable, good steering and hard to fault....although they could do with a brake pad change to improve the only "grey" area I can fault.

I still would suggest a 600 as the next step as they will be more than adequate for your current level of experience.
I rode the new Honda F4 the other day, they are one impressive 600, as is the new 01 Suzuki GSXR600. also consider the running costs, Tyres in particular aren't cheap and Insurance (optional) is obviously going to be more affordable in this class. Think about it, test ride them all...then make your decision.

Go the busa - johnl34 - 18-05-2001

Go for it and buy the Hayabusa.

Just be smart about it, respect the horse power and ride within your own ability. Don't ever get pressured into keeping up with your mates if you don't feel confident. Your safety is your first priority. Slow and steady at the start and before you know it you'll be riding with the best.


Re: Go the busa - busababy - 18-05-2001

Yep I agree with John - Go The Busa.

The only difference between the mentioned alternatives and the busa, is that the busa is heaps more comfortable, handles much better, looks mega superior BUT has heaps more power.

So, if you feel you can't control your power surge urge on a busa, get Col to fit some sort of a speed/power restrictor or just pull off 3 of the plug leads.


Irresponsible Advise - rocketman - 21-05-2001

Don't listen to the irresponsible advise from one - eyed Hayabusa owners.It is too much too soon in my opion. As for busababy's comment about the Bus out-handling the alternatives you mentioned, it's obvious that he is ill informed, or living in a dream world....... what a load of bollocks!!.

Re: Irresponsible Advise - busabadboy - 21-05-2001

I'm a bus driver, but have other bikes alos and as the enquiry was from an inexperienced rider your posts pretty good on the money there Mr rocket.Id say that you could have a lot more fun on a lighter,better handler etc bike during the learning process,in the process of learning you must try new things and while you are doing this you will little pee wee up from time to time, the busa is not really the bike you want to little pee wee up on actually no bike is but it will happen. The bus is a good handler but not in the same league as a gsrx600,750,1000. R1 . R6 etc etc
Be happy in what ya choose , but also be wise !! there are many out there on busa's from what I have seen that probably shouldn't be as their skill levels are far to low for the performance of the bike they ride. BBB

and the moral is... - nolts - 21-05-2001

Busa owners love their machines and respect them. They all seem to be interested in keeping me from killing myself, which I think is really touching. Shucks. I have taken all your advice seriously and decided that this young apprentice is not ready to be a jedi yet. More training methinks. Kind regards to all at the AHC!

go the Busa - Ippy - 22-05-2001

Have tried the little by little route to the negative of the bank account. The Busa became the 4th bike in 16 months and without doubt can be a handful.

If you have some decent bike skills, and your ambition and ability are in the correct ratio the Busa can be a lot of fun.

Went from Newcastle to Bendemeer via the Hunter Valley and Nundle and then onto Walcha and Ginger Springs beofre comming home via Walcha and Gloucester. What a beast and more than comfortable at break in rev's of no more than 5500.

What happens after that is a little scary!