5th - Neutral - 6th - Printable Version

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5th - Neutral - 6th - johnl34 - 03-05-2001

My busa is 18 months old and from day one when gear changing from 5th to 6th i have found neutral. Not on every occasion, i'd say an average of twice every 30 gear changes. I have learnt to live with it always being conscience of changing to sixth, it's just second nature now.

Yesterday, while out for a spin I changed to sixth and about 4 seconds after the gear change my bike dropped out of gear finding neutral. This is the first time this has happened.

Has anyone experienced either of these problems before? I have mentioned the "finding neutral problem" to the dealer where i got my bike but it was never treated seriously. Now with warranty an issue i'm just looking for some feedback before taking this problem to my dealer.

Look forward to any reply's.

Re: 5th - Neutral - 6th - Fox - 03-05-2001

Never had any problem like that ever - I'd say you have a problem Houston ...

prob - jamie - 03-05-2001

I;ve had the same thing with my bike as well.I try to make sure that when i change up i move my foot forward
a little bit.This works most of the time.

Re: prob - Volvi - 04-05-2001

That was a known busa problem, though only perhaps for the first few thousand k's. I find you really have to positive shift, and adjusting the gear lever down just a bit helps thumping it in easier.

Re: prob - demeester - 04-05-2001

I had my lever adjusted early on, after it happened to me two or three times, and it fixed it for me (obviously, my foot action???) However, it sounds like yours is far worse than what I experienced, so maybe it is equipment, not technique...

Gear Dropping - johnl34 - 04-05-2001

Thanks for the above information. Any suggestions as to why my bike dropped out of sixth and found neutral??

Re: Gear Dropping - Volvi - 04-05-2001

am no mechanic, but would say gear not fully engaged, didnt thump it in hard enough, not that it always has to be thumped, just sometimes. Personally, I find theres always 2 clicks (notches) before its fully in, but maybe thats just my bike....I hate it, would much prefer the silk change of the blackbird, but hey ya cant have everything.

gear dropping - Lethal Busa - 08-05-2001

my bike does the same as volvi's but im sure if it started to do the same as john's bike I would have it down there and have something done about it and I wouldnt take no there is nothing wrong with it for an answer that is a definate fault and they have just put it in the too hard basket (lets wait and see what happens then we may be have a look OH SORRY SIR YOU MUST HAVE MISSED A GEAR THATS WHAT BLEW UP YOUR GEAR BOX thats not covered under warranty it will cost you $$$$$$$$$$$............to fix it