Track day in NSW / Sydney - Printable Version

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Track day in NSW / Sydney - RaZ80 - 06-08-2003

Allo all,

well I have pretty much gotten used to my busa and I wanna give it a bit and see what she can really do.

I'd love to goto a track day, however I am unsure of the requirements and I was wondering if anyone here would be intrested in going ??

I have NFI which track, I guess easten creek but figured you guys would know which one best.

so... how about it ??

Re: Track day in NSW / Sydney - SubRX - 06-08-2003

G'day Raz,

We were up at Western M/C, Penrith yesterday and they had a flyer there for a track day, limited to 40, for Wednesday the 20th August at the Creek. Included in the day was suspension setup, all for $90.00. Sounds good. Will probably go too.

Regards, Dave.

Jumping out of my skin in anticipation. Dave

Re: Track day in NSW / Sydney - RaZ80 - 06-08-2003

any idea where I can find more info on this day ???


"Now its all Torque"

Re : Track day 20/08/03 - simmo - 06-08-2003

Hi Dave & anyone else interested in Eastern Creek ride day, If you are going please post it on this site, it would be pretty cool getting some bussa together for a track ride. I did it a few years ago on a gsxr1100 & man it shows how unfit i was & still am, Regards Robert ( looking forard to pulling a sickie )D">

one more thing - RaZ80 - 06-08-2003

I want more info tho before saying 100% yes I am going, I just want to see the list of requirements.

Track day info....... - kamakazebusa - 06-08-2003

Basically Raz, all you need is a helmet with no scratches, gloves, a jacket (leather or cordura such as a dririder) jeans or leather pants and some leather shoes (cat, mack or colarado shoes) or m/c boots. All must be in good condition with no tears or rips.

Your bike must be roadworthy for eg: good tread, no oil leaks, no loose fairings, no ventura racks (for safety purposes) and its also a good idea to tape up all your blinkers, tail lights and headlights (in case you crash the headlight stays together and dosn't shatter everywere). Cover up your speedo and mirrors (this is the track not the road, the no.1 rule is " the rider in front always has right of way" you don't look back to give way to the rider behind, just as you don't look in your mirrors either, this will only distract you from concentrating on the track in front of you.

If you want to overtake somebody, you must do it the long way around (or as we like to say "round the outside")
Only the "A" group is aloud to overtake on the inside

Theres a shell servo around the corner and refreshments are provided at the track (water, tea and coffee)

Hope this helps.......might even go myself if I havn't got anything else planned

Ciao for now...Paul

Re: Track day info....... - A Real Jewel - 06-08-2003

Dave (SubRX) the cross dresser here,

just had a look at the motoconcepts site, the 20th is a half day ride & drive, ie. I don't think you get much riding time for your money.:"> Therefore, I'm going to give that a miss, but the 14th, next Thursday, has a full day for $110. $100 for group of three or more. Sounds like more of a goer I think. And Jules is still off work, not up to riding on the track, but damn good behind a video camera.
Dave, planning on riding, not baking a cake. Jules - always smiling, it keeps everyone guessing!

Re: Track day in NSW / Sydney - RaZ80 - 07-08-2003

{quote} - kamakazebusa
Basically Raz, all you need is a helmet with no scratches, gloves, a jacket (leather or cordura such as a dririder) jeans or leather pants and some leather shoes (cat, mack or colarado shoes) or m/c boots. All must be in good condition with no tears or rips.

Jeans ?? I thought all leather was required ???

I was thinking I could hire the leather pants if I needed them.... but if I don't need them well, its a saving for now.

I would't be planning to go all out on the busa but at least give it a better run then normal !!

Syd Track Ride - simmo - 07-08-2003

Dave / Jewels, I'm still interested full or 1/2 day, 1/2 day would still be plenty, would also love a video copy. If you can let me know if its happening ie payment hours etc Regards Robert

Re: Syd Track Ride - A Real Jewel - 07-08-2003

The following Motoconcept days are available at discounted prices for the Creek:
The following August Ride days are now priced to clear

Eastern Creek
Bikes Thursday 14th (3 x grades) 9am to 5pm.
Now only $99 pre booked/ prepaid and the chance to win a set of Dragon tyre
Half day $80
Grades: A, B, & C. 8 x 20 minute sessions.

Eastern Creek
Bikes Wednesday 20th (2 x grades) 9am to 1pm. Limited numbers
$90 pre booked/ prepaid and the chance to win a set of Dragon tyre warmers.
Grades: A/B & B/C. 6 x 20 minute sessions.
Bookings through Western MC Steve Leembruggen 02 4733 0355.
BUELL test rides available no booking necessary.

Eastern Creek
Bikes Thursday 28th (3 x grades) 9am to 5pm.
Now only $99 pre booked/ prepaid and the chance to win a set of Dragon tyre
Half day $80
Grades: A, B, & C. 8 x 20 minute sessions.

Contact information:
Dave Stone or Tracey Wade
Ph: 02 4393 6990.
Mob: 0407 99 2574
Fax: 02 4393 2534
Email: mcycle_concepts@bigpond.com
Website: www.motoconcepts.com.au

Go have fun guys!

Jules - sitting at home feeling sorry for herself coz she can't get out on the track whilst on compo ...could be conned into pillioning with a camera for a cloth badge though!

Re: Syd Track Ride - kamakazebusa - 08-08-2003

Hey Raz, I'm not sure what the rules are these days but last time I checked it was ok with some ride day organisers, your spot on about leather pants though, I do know that stay upright insits on it but you'll have to ring around and find out who allows what....?

Re: Syd Track Ride - Wily E C - 08-08-2003

Nigh on impossible for track day on a weekday but if someone getz a group thingy happenin` on a Sat or Sun......I`m in.

Franko, ridin` but alas only on weekends.

Re: Track day in NSW / Sydney - wearlej - 09-08-2003

I can't make a weekday at this stage due to a new job, but I will definitely be taking the Bus out to the creek for a weekend track day as soon as is possible.

Eastern Creek track day - SubRX - 11-08-2003

There looks like there is still openings for the 14th and 28th August track days at the Creek.

Calling for expressions of interest for either of these dates, or/and some other time!!

I'm easy, just ask Jules, and available either day, oh the joys of early retirement.

Dave. 0412 810506.

Re: Eastern Creek track day - kamakazebusa - 11-08-2003

Can't confirm as yet , will get back to you abit closer to the date............
