A Leather fixer - Printable Version

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Re: A Leather fixer - AeroCat4 - 01-06-2003

G'day fodder, I know there is a good one on Frankston-Dandenong Rd somewhere near Greens Rd apparently. I was going to get my large camping heavy duty tarp fixed there. I'l find out from my friend where it is - highly recommended from 2 people who have got stuff done there before. Post in a few days.

Cheers, Peter

Re: A Leather fixer - foddder2002 - 02-06-2003

Thanks Peter wait to hear back from u

Re: A Leather fixer - AeroCat4 - 11-06-2003

I haven't forgotten about you "Fodder"! My mate who knows one of the places is in Florence on Holidays. All I know is it is on Frankston-Dandenong Rd near the Repco (or now Bursons), and the other one is right near Moorabbin Airport, but haven't got his number yet. Sign is outside the front of his place on Centre-Dandenong Rd. ANyway, I get back to you Monday. Just been a hermit due to busy studying for exams which are Thursday morning...oh shit...thats 2mro!

Re: A Leather fixer - foddder2002 - 12-06-2003

No worries I got the next few days off I will go down and sus it out thanks

Re: A Leather fixer - AeroCat4 - 18-06-2003

Howdy Fodder, my mate got back to me! The one I said on Frankston Dandy Rd isn't probably any good, and the one near Moorabbin Airport only does tents and tarps. Sorry for the BUM STEER! ...............BUT, WAIT - THERE'S MORE!!

There's a really good place in Frankston called "Don's Custom Leatherworks, 1st floor/16 Station St, Frankston (opposite railway station)" I know of people at work that have had their leather work jackets and travel bags fixed there before - excellent job and owner really good - tells you everything! Just didn't remember about him.

Ph. (03) 9781-5967 or 0415-148-529

leather fixer - foddder2002 - 27-06-2003

Thanks Aerocat will try them monday.

A Leather fixer - foddder2002 - 05-06-2005

due to the (g) force's that the busa pull's I"M in need of a leather sticher my poor leather pant's are dieing. Any help would be appreciate. Any where from frankston to cranbourne to dandenong.