Akropovic slip ons - Printable Version

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Akropovic slip ons - Xhiler8r - 13-05-2003

ok back to the exhaust issue I have been talking to a lot of bike shops and the majority are say that the best pipes for the Busa are the Akropovic pipes have any of u guys got these mounted yet or heard anything about them and info would be great i was quoted a price of $1730 per set oh and for the Queensland Busa riders have a look at this book.

looks like a great idea for the bike riders guide for touring our great state.
regards Bill

slip on's - rev 01 - 13-05-2003

Sounds a bit expensive for two slip on mufflers or is it a 4 into 1 ?

The best pipes for busa's according to dealers are the one's that give dealers the highest profit margins methinks

Re: slip on's - GDYUP - 13-05-2003

Sounds about right for Akro slip ons reverend. The 4 into 1 Akro cost about $2400 and thats with out the nickel and jewel encruting! But as we both know for about the $1700 the best system is the Yoshi 4 into 1. Great mid range and only a few horses down on the Akro top end. (As they say) Definately get a 4 into 1 if your prepared to pay that kind of money, you'll never regret it......... I've tried both on two different Busa's. I wouldn't have slip ons now if they gave them away. (Unless of course they were jewel encrusted and nickel plated!) By the way rev I did inquire if they could nickel plate my Akro titanium muffler, the answer is NO!) Your quite right about the dealers flavour of the month exhausts, one day your king of the hill. The next day your yesterdays hero because they have changed brand names! (Swines)
Just my 2c worth.
Cheers, Phil. Still riding, not hibernating!

Re: slip on's - Xhiler8r - 13-05-2003

yeh but I want the 2 pipes iI dont like a single pipe so where to now ?
regards Bill

Re: slip on's - busababy - 14-05-2003

.............remus, bill

Re: slip on's - GDYUP - 14-05-2003

Easy. Get in touch with rev01. He still has two Yoshi alloy slip ons for about $700. Great finish on the Yoshi products too. Try and tell me that's not the buy of the year! I think it's on the exhaust post Bill. They only cost about $11 to post to NSW.
Hope this helps. Cheers, Phil.

RE:Slip ons - rocket rod 7777 - 14-05-2003

Hey Gdyup,you gettin a cut from yoshi or somethin?

Re: RE:Slip ons - Viking - 14-05-2003

I will be selling my Yosh RS3 stainless slip on's for $700 towards the end of the year.


Re: RE:Slip ons - GDYUP - 14-05-2003

No I'm not rocketman. I'm the one that talked him into selling them. I said they would sell in a minute. (Wrong) All he gets is the run around from Busa riders that want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse, and then they want them for free. (Or close to it) :"> I sold my slip ons within a couple of days of posting (Best thing ever, they suck)
Cheers, Phil. Riding, not hibernating

Re: RE:Slip ons - Viking - 15-05-2003

Depends on what your after, i bought them for looks, noise, a small HP gain and a slight decrease in weight. Now i've decided i want even less weight, more HP and better noise but for more cost.


RE:Slip ons - rocket rod 7777 - 15-05-2003

Hey its a free country(sort of)you can have whatever system you like,but dont tell me you need a 4into1 for more power if the busa's power is not enough for ya then you should be on a grand prix bike,racing on a track!

Re: RE:Slip ons - Viking - 15-05-2003

Your right, i do want to race at a track. I plan to take the busa to Heathcote as is and see what sort of times i can get. Then take it to Pete's for a 4-1, box mod and dyno remap and then go back to Heathcote. They run bike only sessions once a month on Sundays.


slip on - Greg64 - 15-05-2003

Give Ken a ring Megacycle engineering 039 769 1200 he is worth talkn to.

Re: slip on - demeester - 15-05-2003

Yes, if you are after looks and noise more than HP, and still want twin pipes, they make a nice product at an affordable price. (And you're buying Aussie made!)

Re: slip on - bigshowbusa - 15-05-2003

Micron have got a bit of a sale on at the moment...check out this link MC News Micron
They make arguably the best finished cans on the market...with a very distinctive sound too.

There's also a bolt on muffler comparison on the MC News site: Muffler Comparison
Although the tested bike is a fireblade u get the idea...