Tyre Changing Problems - Printable Version

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Tyre Changing Problems - Evero - 08-04-2003

I had just paid for a new set of tyres for the bus when the mechanic informs me that he scratch the rim - pharken hell, not again - last time I had the rear change at a different place they scratch the rim but denied doing it but it was no where near as bad as this.

Anyway this time they didn't just scratch it but took the edging of the rim in two places about 50-75mm each along with scratches everywhere, some through to the metal.

They tried to tell me this is a common problem with the bus but I think it crap because I think the gsxr1000 & tl's run the same rims. He also said that because of the rear calliper location its difficult not to scratch the rim.

Has any one else had this problem or heard of the same excuse.

RE:Tyre changing problams - rocket rod 7777 - 08-04-2003

Was this done in a shop and if so did they use a machine because if they did it shouldn't get scratched.I wouldn't pay them if they charged for fitting.Regarding the rear caliper it is a bit difficult but if they had put a rag around it,it isnt. They dont care,its only your rims

Rims - Evero - 08-04-2003

Done at a shop, new machine - said because the rear was so tight it caused the arm to grab. The rear was only on for less then 12 months.

I wasn't happy with they solution to fix it so I've sent both rims to Electromold to get that nicoshine treatment - yet to finalise there financial part.

Re: Tyre Changing Problems - ac boosa - 08-04-2003

I can just hear it....

"listen honey, those bastards down at the bike shop, well they buggered my rims and now I HAVE TO send them down away to get nickel coated...errrr....I mean fixed...."

great idea, I think next time I get a new hoop on the back I'll have to get them to scratch it as well



Rims - Evero - 08-04-2003

i wasnt quite like that - but she who must be obeyed doesnt understand why they need to be so polished to get the scratches out