OptiMate 3 - Printable Version

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OptiMate 3 - Volvi - 17-10-2005

I bought one of these after checking out whats on the market. Highly reccomendable. I also hard wired extra set of leads to the bike so battery always being topped up, good for older batteries that are still alive. I bought directly from Mick Hone in Box Hill otherwise you can buy one thru theyre ebay store at


more info on unit with charts etc.

Re: OptiMate 3 - Djpete - 17-10-2005

Yeah they r a top idea Volvi.
My bike was running down but now that I ride/start it twice a week it's fine. Sun/Wed
Hang on prob Sun/Wed/Fri now...Cleo's is making a fortune from me! Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!

Re: OptiMate 3 - 1hotBUSA - 17-10-2005

When I read the title of this thread I thought is an optimate, like it was something that women buy when their real mate is at the pub and there is nothing on telly. So it just makes your bike go faster. BORING!!!

2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!

Re: OptiMate 3 - BEAR - 18-10-2005

I bought something similar at Autobarn last year.
Wired the battery with leads that run up into the hump, and I plug it in the night before I use it (I only ride once a week if I'm lucky). That and keeping the battery terminals clean and gunge free means no problems.
The charger I got was meant to be used for vintage cars etc, ie low use vehicles, and the whole charger is meant to be installed inside the engine bay and permanently hooked to the battery. The idea is that you plug a 240V lead into it when it's parked. On the Busa I did the opposite and mounted the charger on a wall and made up some short and long leads with plugs on the end, finally a set of alligator clamps with a plug set as well. So I can do the bike or car or anyone elses that happens to stray into the garage.Designed to lift the battery charge then keep it full for weeks on end.
Worth it!