Logging in - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Logging in (/showthread.php?tid=4424)

Logging in - Maj750t - 25-05-2005

I am sick of logging in , Whats with this board?
The odd thing is , other ezeboards i frequent (some not very often) still recognise me.

Rod are you still having the same troubles or has it moved on ... like the flu

errors - rocket rod 7777 - 01-06-2005

Ok whats wrong with the freakin board now?:">
When i sign in and go to reply to post it is comming up with errors and a bug,WTF?????:">

Re: errors - rocket rod 7777 - 01-06-2005

Also where the fluck has the testing area gone?
I think there is a conspirasy going on in here against honda riders!

Re: errors - Djpete - 01-06-2005

not just u me too here Cheers,

Sound your horn every time you go past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!

You can make a difference!
Go here for more info:www.roadsense.com.au/Welcome.html

Re: errors - Djpete - 01-06-2005

i think we blew it up.
shouldnt have gone over 8,500 revs! Cheers,

Sound your horn every time you go past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!

You can make a difference!
Go here for more info:www.roadsense.com.au/Welcome.html

testies gone! - Djpete - 01-06-2005

now we are nackered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers,

Sound your horn every time you go past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!

You can make a difference!
Go here for more info:www.roadsense.com.au/Welcome.html

Re: testies gone! - rocket rod 7777 - 01-06-2005

Huh,seems the board is just like the busa,full of cheese and crumbling at the edges.

Re: testies gone! - simmo - 01-06-2005

I can't get into some of the topics they are empty D"> Cheers Robert

Re: testies gone! - simmo - 01-06-2005

Can't reply on the Oxley ride in the riding section can someone else try please Cheers Robert

Re: testies gone! - Slong - 02-06-2005

Who fed the board those speckly green coooookies?

Unknown - Unknown - 04-06-2005

(This post is missing and can not be restored)