Got done at Canungra! - Printable Version

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Got done at Canungra! - nickmakwell - 29-05-2005


Went for a ride today on my BM (I pick up the Busa Wednesday, hopefully) down to Gold Coast Hinterland with the local crowd.

I was leading, coz I kind of know the area (and only one with tank bag and map) and we were having a ball.

until I came towards Canungra - beautiful road goes from 100 to 80 to 60 in a flash of an eye, my fault, I was doing 100+ coming over the hill, not enough time to slow all the way down when the hairdryer police car came over the top.

Clocked my at 101 - i even checked the radar reading (I think he fenaggled it myself - i decelerated from 100+ to 80 or less in less than 3 seconds...maybe its a laser unit?)

No warning? Nope - his boss wants heaps of tickets this weekend becuase of fatalities in area?

bugger. he wrote me down to the next level though ONLY 3 points and 150 bucks......

and now I pick up a Hayabusa later this week?????

am i nuts?


Re: Got done at Canungra! - Djpete - 29-05-2005

coulda been worse nick...
still it hurts hey...
doesn't sound like u were doing silly things either...
bloody rev system stinks. Cheers,

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Re: Got done at Canungra! - nickmakwell - 29-05-2005

it was my fault really - i shouldnt have speed up for the straights so close to Canungra - we were doing what? almost twice the limit around most of the corners there- you need a bit of corner entry speed to make it fun, but i was on a straightaway and should have known better.......

having said that, IMHO the speed limit on that particular road should have been around 130-140 not this stupid 80...........

cause, as i was getting written up - i saw three cars driving so close together, you couldnt stick a scooter between them, and they were doing 80kph....thats safe driving apparantly...

Re: Got done at Canungra! - Volvi - 29-05-2005

"The 'Spice' must flow" (Dune)

Re: Got done at Canungra! - kawasuki - 29-05-2005

Chris, was there any bikes behind you .. within 50-100 mtrs if so you might have a chance to beat it, all you need is a few of the group to say they were within that distance. Worth a go.

Re: Got done at Canungra! - nickmakwell - 30-05-2005

how does that work?

the cop said i was the only one he pinged - my mates were behind me (but a bit more than what you said - about double that.)

i think i may just put this ontop of the heap of the other ones i still havent paid.


Re: Got done at Canungra! - kawasuki - 30-05-2005

Well i was done at the snowy ride in 2003 150 in a 80 zone there were two of us and a couple behind us I wrote in and said that I was being past on the inside and willing to go to court, what i am saying that if there was a couple of bikes behind you and they are willing to say they were around 20-40 mtrs behind you, the radar could have got one of those bikes behind . There is a possabillity that the radar didnt lock on to you and locked one of the other bikes in (the group) I think that there cant be any other vehicle within one to 2 hundred mtrs of you for them to get a correct readout. You have nothing to loose by sending in a letter stateing "what happened" and you were the inocent rider.

Re: Got done at Canungra! - AstroBusa - 30-05-2005

But... won't that mean that the fine will just transfer to one of the riders who said they were close to you and about to overtake ? Twisted logic says that the lead rider overtaking/catching you was actually the rider that set off the radar... therefore... won't he get pinged in your place ? Regards.... Rob (Astro)

Re: Got done at Canungra! - kawasuki - 30-05-2005

Well, I dont know about the other rider in my case, as I gave him my number and he failed to contact me regarding the fine, maybe we could have got together and done something, but the other bikes in this case wont or cant be touched as the offence has already taken place and which one would the officer nominate as the guilty rider?? He the officer hypothetically has already misread the radar! The radar can bounce off other objects and give a wrong speed readout, so I have been told.

Re: Got done at Canungra! - nickmakwell - 31-05-2005

Kawasuki - what was the result of your ping?

did you get off or still fined?

the cop told me there was no-one else - and in truth, my mates were a bit behind, so it would only take a statement from the copper to throw that out (I would think...?)

however, I am not convinced he could have got a full reading - i saw him, grabbed the brakes and was decelerating the entire time he was pinging me with radar/laser....to clarify - i was not travelling at a constant speed and he did not get me for more than three or four seconds...

could i argue the lack of a proper reading? even though the readout said 101?

Re: Got done at Canungra! - kawasuki - 31-05-2005

I got off the lot,no fine and no loss of lic. All it takes is a stac, deck from your mates , f*** the copper he was lying just to get a infringement!!!! All you say I was with a group of bikes and I dont see how he could be accurate with his radar, simple.As I said a letter to them stating your facts and see what happens. You could say it could be a waste of Gov money and a waste of your money if this goes to court considering the circumstances.

Re: Got done at Canungra! - Breharna - 31-05-2005

Nikmakwell, you need to be sure of which device he used to detect your speed.

Radar, accurate but readings can be influenced by a multitude of things as it works by radio/microwaves. So CB, mobiles, electric transformers, power lines can affect the actual readings. Not all the time but some times.

Radar, you can detect single vehicles speeds but, this becomes more difficult the more targets there is in an area and it depends on how far from the radar operator the target is. Eg, the further you are from the radar operator the wider the radar beam making target selection very difficult. If a group of riders are say within 10 to 30 metres from one another it get very difficult to say which one the radar unit picked up as radar usually locks in on the stronger signal, not always the faster or front bike. If a car or bike putting our or generating more air resistance is in or near the group the radar usually detects that target. The further away the target, the more difficult it is to say which bike/car it was speeding.

So as you can see radar in the right circumstances is very accurate but it can be influenced by a multitude of other things.

Laser - Forget it. You can be booked by these things over a kilometre away from the device. You can be in amoungst a whole group of riders and still be accurately detected. The beam is a light beam, invisible to the eyes, very narrow and not effected by things like the radar. The laser does over 1500 speed checks on the target ever second to ensure the speed shown is accurate. The only thing that effects the laser is fog, rain etc. Doesn't effect the reading just the distance the light beam can go.

There is no requirement in Victoria anyway, of any time frames the device must be used or locked on you. These devices can give a reading within a second or two. In Victoria, that's enough to be booked.

Hope this helps, as I said, you must be sure of which device you were detected on before you decide on which course of action to want to take.

Stewie Mac

Re: Got done at Canungra! - ardvark - 31-05-2005

I was recently booked by a "lidar" detector, Laser Gun in bridbane. I went to court and argued that I had another rider behind me and then we changed lanes and he passed me on the far side of me in relation to the officer.

Both of us were booked by 2 separate officers with a gun each. It was clear that my mate was speeding however I had made sure I was traveling dead on 60kph as this was a well known hotspot for radar.

I went to court and highlighted inconsistencies in both the officers statement in identifying which bike they each were targeting and also presented a printed data sheet from my handheld GPS that indicated my speed to be no greater that 63kph at 3 points along this road.

The judge said that my data has not been certified and the only evidence I was bringing to the court was the belief that I wasn't speeding. Lidar can pinpoint you out and I doubt you could argue the fact.

Ticket stands plus $65 court costs, not to mention 2 days off work. It took two uniformed female police prosecutors and 2 uniformed police witnesses and a gallery of about 15 plain clothes police to make sure I didn't get off.