Faster Faster SPEED ILLUSION GOGGLES - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Faster Faster SPEED ILLUSION GOGGLES (/showthread.php?tid=3065)

Faster Faster SPEED ILLUSION GOGGLES - fasterfaster1 - 02-08-2006

Special !!! Goggles imported especially for Dirtbags and I have a few extra sets left over.

These are designed to bring things much closer, like ten times closer and are great for when your mates are blowing you to the weeds and you can bring them in a lot closer with these great items, so even though you arn't in the race you can get the "FEEL" that you are without actually being there and also without the stone chip damage that following close behind tends to cause.
On special only while stocks last
FORCED INDUCTION equals STONE CHIP REDUCTION <i>Edited by: fasterfaster1 at: 2/8/06 1:54 am

Wonder Glasse's - fasterfaster1 - 02-08-2006


Well the way the new ZX14 is getting talked up Gazza might have to get a new shipment in
PM ed your special BULK buy price
FF1 <i>Edited by: fasterfaster1 at: 2/8/06 8:53 am

and the catch is - gazza414 - 02-08-2006

How long does this introductory offer last for us members FF1
PM me a special price <i></i>

Re: Faster Faster SPEED ILLUSION GOGGLES - dirt bags 05 - 02-08-2006

pete, can i get a price for bulk buy . i have to send them to all the unboosted members. Cheers,
Rod & Janette


Glass's for Pass's - fasterfaster1 - 02-08-2006

Dirtbags and you are supposed to be MATURE
FF1 <i></i>

Re: Glass's for Pass's - Blackzook - 02-08-2006

Pete I'll take a bakers dozen if you include the optional clip on see though womens clothing lenses.

Oh and only if you cover shipping and paypal fees Bruce
N2O no laughing matter

Re: Glass's for Pass's - gazza414 - 02-08-2006

FF1, I'm still waiting on my special introductory PM price..... Bruce is after me Ok

1st dibs...you know the rules <i></i>

Re: Glass's for Pass's - rev 01 - 02-08-2006

Set up a stand at the reefton FFI, you'll sell a squillion to wood ducks looking for instant credibility

Maybe even some busa boys too........... <i></i>

Test Day Results - fasterfaster1 - 03-08-2006


Note Results May Vary According To Wearer

Well today DIRTBAGS officially tested the

Dirtie's comments were that although they were excellent in operation, he found that he needed to wear THREE pair at once to stay on the pace. Hence we are assuming from this that unless basically you are absolutely piss poor you should need no more than two sets maximum.

The good news is we now are offering a special


Bruce ..............working on the no clothing side of things, but just having trouble sorting them to be able to lock out the MALE SPECIES (Sorry DJ) as otherwise a ride day would be like a day in the footy club locker rooms

Rev as Gazza would say ............... What are you trying to say ?

Gazza .................. have sent you these instead of the Tie Down straps as they may give better results
<i>Edited by: fasterfaster1 at: 3/8/06 1:11 am

Re: Test Day Results - simmo - 05-08-2006

FF1 any chance on getting Bruces & Gazzas del by tomorrow as they are going to need them at WSID tomorrow
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: Test Day Results - AstroBusa - 06-08-2006

ff1 - mate, I already wear prescription glasses and have found it impossible to wear both sets at the same time. I tried the contact lense versions you forwarded and they were effective, but a tad large. I hate to complain but when I have them in my eyelids won't shut, I am unable to blink and my eyeballs dry out. Another unexpected downside is that they reflect sunlight so efficiently, I've accidentally laser-etched the inside of my screen.

So, I think I'll have to go with the rear-view mirror overlay version as you suggested. It'll be a pain, but I'll just have to fit them onto the rear-view mirrors of everyone I'm riding with that day. If I read the marketing literature correctly, it will expand my image in their rear view mirror by 10 times - which means that as long as I am somewhere in the same suburb it will appear that my front tyre is glued to their ass.

At last, I'll finally hear the words "Crap ! Astro's keeping up with me !"

p.s. - I will hang onto the glasses you sent as I've found my girlfriend prefers to wear them in bed. She said something about them helping her to overcome my deficiencies and making the little things in life easier to find. I'm not sure what she meant, but if it keeps her happy I'll let her keep them. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob<i></i>