Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Printable Version

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Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Batfink - 23-12-2014

Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - DjPete - 23-12-2014

On ya batfink, i feel for ya. Sounds like you have given it some good shots. I suppose it just boils down to really saying i have just had enough of this bullshit. Thats a lot of weight u put on. Do you eat the right food, meaning just healthier stuff, quit pies, fried foods etc, maybe this is also a chance to improve your lifestyle alround. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer at 38. Pretty scary. It changed my whole outlook, went vegan for about 2 yrs. read every book u can imagine. Have had the bladder tumours resected twice now, last op only just over a yr ago. Because of that i really respect my body now. And then i bumped into Parkour and never looked back. Look how well we look after our bikes but what a lot of us do to our bodies. I,m not perfect by any means but i am aware of what im doing to my body and try to do the right thing.

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Batfink - 23-12-2014

My biggest problem has always been the beer... when young a six pack a night wasn't even considered drinking back then LOL
When I lost the weight I had just opened up a fish n chip shop and a lot of people around me was scared I went into that industry at 118kg... At home I tried to maintain a high protien, low carb diet (which probably was cancelled out by the beer lol). I made the decision that I was going to die of a heart attack any day or maybe a cancer in the future if I took smoking back up... well thats how I reasoned out my return to smoking. Truth being told I just enjoyed smoking!!! While what YOU buy at the fish n chip shop isn't high on the healthy list what THEY buy is. So I ate lots of seafood, grilled, and salad, stayed away form chips, increased my work load to 14 hr a day, 6 days a week and took up smoking.... that reduced my weight . The years of previous gym, walking and watching what I ate did nothing!!

When I left my first wife I gave up again for about 2 years... the problem was being single and travelling LOL holidays= smoking and going to different countries meant trying all the different flavours. LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!!
I highly recommend that if you haven't left our great land yet.. do it

I don't want to smoke around my new wife cause she has never smoked, or drank booze, and I am relaxed around her. So at home I am fine when she is there but at work I have to get up off my desk for a walk every hour and thats when the ciggie comes in.... When I am not smoking I tend to work right through which fucks my neck by the end of the week. And when working around the house renovating I tend to revert to smoking cause that is what I did when a builder LOL no OH&S back then peeps

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - shorty - 23-12-2014

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Batfink - 23-12-2014

Been looking at the e-smokes... you order your nicotine liquid form the States or just using the flavoured "juice" locally sold?

Try the mini mints... just stick one between your gum and lip when you want a smoke.. they have a good sudden "hit" and last 30 minutes just sitting there. I found they worked great BUT you get addicted to them and I had to ween off by using a breath mint...

I have a problem of the constant chewing irritating my falsies (bottom only) as they move slightly each time I chew. LOL

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - shorty - 23-12-2014

It's my birthday next month so as a gift (probably to herself haha) the mrs has ordered me one from here...
I did ask her to get me mint flavoured oil if they have it in stock.

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Batfink - 23-12-2014

Pre order a nicotine insert too mate... That way you can swap it in and out so you feed your habit and not go nuts lol

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Hayabusabike - 23-12-2014

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - DjPete - 23-12-2014

Shit guys we all feel your pain.
Keep at it.
remember it IS possible

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Shordy - 24-12-2014

I had this posted in the wrong spot.......oops.

I'm 16 weeks and 1 day without a smoke now, and it's f*&^ing murder.
I've gone from 30-35 a day for the last 30+ years to none, cold turkey.
The worst thing is I really have no definitive reason for giving up.
My health's ok, money wasn't really an issue, and I really REALLY like smoking.
I think the final straw for me was the price. Not that I couldn't afford them, just the thought that the government is dictating to us smokers about how much we have to pay in tax, and the implementation of the 25% tax excise in 2010, followed up by the first two of four scheduled 12.5 % annual increases is ridiculous.
Until I gave them away, between the missus and I, we were spending over $240 per week on smokes, and this was buying them the most economical way, per carton. This would of been in excess of $300 in another 18 months or so...
So, I know I'm financially better off, and I know I will benefit from the health improvements, but I still feel lost going to my shed with a beer and no smokes. It's just not the same.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention how happy I am that I've put on 6 kg's in the same period........SUCKS.

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - kev11e - 24-12-2014

The first day (and I had made up my mind to go one day only) I didn't smoke I went with some mates to the club for beers and more beers and just becoz i am stubborn bugger I stayed off them for the night. The next morning I thought well if I can do it for one day in those circumstances I can do it for one more...and kept going. But it was hard at times.
Keep going all you blokes trying to give it up!

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - DjPete - 24-12-2014

Good point Kev. You need to keep reminding yaself that you made one step and onto the next one. Appreciate the stages you are going through and make sure you celebrate with some sort of win maybe with a gift to yourself. Buy something etc.

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - Batfink - 24-12-2014

Have a sister that has tried to give up nearly as much as me.... she celebrates getting to 6 weeks by having a smoke LOL

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - BikerBoy - 24-12-2014

Tony, if you go the e-cig way...do your research! Poison control centers can vouch as to how busy they became!!

RE: Batty's Quit Smoking Thread - simmo - 27-12-2014