Death (Something light!) - Printable Version

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Death (Something light!) - Djpete - 30-08-2006

I must admit I have been very down lately.
A month before we lost Rod my sisterinlaw lost her 17 yo niece in a tragic car accident.
My cousin is about to die at any hour and I have been visiting him the last week...cancer....he is now unconcious and hasn't eaten for a week.

I was searching on the web re death and different stages etc for my own info and got sidetracked onto an old favorite topic of mine...life after death.

I think if we are honest death is something we all think about at various stages in our lives.

I bumped into a thread somewhere where they were discussing this very issue and I stole these questions...
I should say straight up that although I was brought up Catholic I really do not have any concrete beliefs...if there was anything I would sway towards it could be Buddism.

Here we go...

What does it mean?
Why must we leave behind the ones we love? Why do they have to leave us?
Does love have a meaning?
Why must we die?
Why aren't we just living for eternity in some kind of heaven now? Or could existence be the purpose??
Who are we?
What are we?
Where are we from?
Are we here with a purpose? If so, then what is it?
Were we ment to be?
Does our existence have a meaning?
What does life mean??

You get the idea...now I'm off to Cleos for some r and r!

I would be very interested to hear viewpoints.


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!

Re: Death (Something light!) - m8ee - 30-08-2006

There is no meaning to life at all. We are just a whole bunch of atoms that fit together really well. Nothing happens after life, some poeple need to beleive that some part of them continues on to justify being good to other people, but that is entirely in a persons own nature. You do not need to have a spirit or any of that gear for this to occur. The threat of a eternal damnation as retribution for not respecting other people is simply a method of control of the masses, as is government etc. and seemingly it works well. When you die you get put in a hole and become great fertilizer.

Of course, I could be wrong. Edited by: m8ee  at: 30/8/06 7:56 pm

Death (Something light!) - MacBusa - 30-08-2006

what a deep post you wrote DJ... even you made me think.. i'll write up my thoughts and answers later.. Cheers.Grantwww.blingpartsaustralia.com.au

Re: Death (Something light!) - kawasuki - 30-08-2006

DJ (Buda)just dont come back a grasshopper they dont last long. All I say is that each one of us will know who is right and who is wrong re(life after death, in heaven or in hell or a floating atom),, when they die. And of course by then its to late to choose one way or the other. Cheers,

Re: Death (Something light!) - BUSGO - 30-08-2006

Don't let things get you down DJ.

Even people who live to 100 think life is too short to worry about what might be waiting around the next corner.

It is tragic that some are only around for a short while but the spirit of those who are gone is what makes us what we are.

I suggest you live it up and love it while you can enjoy it.


I'm not using it anyway!

A message... - Djpete - 31-08-2006

Re: A message... - kawasuki - 31-08-2006

for the Grasshopper Cheers,

Re: A message... - rocket rod 7777 - 01-09-2006

Quote:There is no meaning to life at all. We are just a whole bunch of atoms that fit together really well.
Interesting point m8ee,but if you want to go the scientific route as in physics,then a force is never lost it just changes its presence.So if we are a life force i believe when we die our force is somewhere out there in the universe,but beyond that i think its above our comprehension levels.
Another interesting point is ,i was watching 60 minutes last week on chryogenics(freezing you after you die) and the journo made a good point.If we ever get to bring someone back,will they be the same person before they died or will they be souless?Same thing with genetic reproduction.If you make an exact copy of someone,the clone might look exactly like the original,but would it really be the same person as they cant share the same soul.
Theres a bit of food for thought !

Once you go black,you'll never look back !!!