Zrex's 'Busa - Printable Version

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Zrex's 'Busa - Zrex1200 - 11-12-2012

Well must say takin' photo's is way down on my list when on my bike & it very rarely happens, usually way to busy riding, but thats me Very Happy.

To start I have 1 x photo from the Palmyra Allbike Drag meet last weekend 8/12/12. Photo was taken by the local paper "Daily Mercury".
They have got me on launch in my first qualifying run. If you look near the rear tyre you will see how poor traction was, even after a burnout & checking for traction twice...


Managed 3 x runs in 10.5's the night before & 3 x qualifying runs of 10.437, 10.440 & 10.406.

.pdf   Palmyra All Bikes 2012 Qualifying-.pdf (Size: 192.47 KB / Downloads: 2)

But come race time I flamed the rear tyre on my first pass & left the line sideways till I buttoned off to get traction...

Next run was not flash either with with a wheelspinning 10.686, this time it was minimal wheelspin on launch but she spun up the rear tyre around 7500rpm in first gear. My final run I let the tyre down to 18psi & I had a by run as 3rd fastest qualifier in class, this gave me a 10.447 on 10.400 dial in, even with a little wheelspin off the line.

All in all I am happy I can ride the 'Busa to the same consistency as my ZRX, but next time I WILL have the traction sorted out. NO excuses.

We had 50 odd bikes for the meet, not as much as when I last raced but more than there has been for the last 2 years apparently. Things have been hard for some around here lately.

Our setup.

Finally, Congratulations to Grizzly on his Gen2 for breaking into the 9's for the first time during the previous night test & tune Trophy

RE: Zrex's 'Busa - bazman - 11-12-2012

Nice pic and info, mate Pi_thumbsup.....lookin' forward to seeing a few more!! Yes


RE: Zrex's 'Busa - Skidmarx - 11-12-2012

i was wondering if that was you, i couldnt race as i was track starter all day and night :( fingers crossed for next year though

traction was poor, mostly due to heat, they did lay a fair bit of compound down, but sadly it didnt make much difference, grizzly wouldnt shut up about his 9 lol, we ended up having drinks at home to celebrate till the wee hours of the morning

RE: Zrex's 'Busa - Zrex1200 - 12-12-2012

(11-12-2012, 11:55pm)Skidmarx Wrote: i was wondering if that was you, i couldnt race as i was track starter all day and night :( fingers crossed for next year though

traction was poor, mostly due to heat, they did lay a fair bit of compound down, but sadly it didnt make much difference, grizzly wouldnt shut up about his 9 lol, we ended up having drinks at home to celebrate till the wee hours of the morning

Hey Ash,
Yeah waz me, still had a bucketload of fun.
The lack of traction was a shame as far as consistency & winning goes, but it sure added to the excitment factor in the saddle Very Happy.

I was talkin' to Milo during the night about the traction & he told me what prep had been done, you just couldn't see it or feel it out there.
I don't think all the cars that blew cooling systems the night before helped either, I think that might be why it was slippery just past the tree.

I only noticed after I had let the tire down from 28psi to 18psi, that it had already slipped some 6mm on the rim, bit of a worry, but she held up.

Next time....

RE: Zrex's 'Busa - Zrex1200 - 22-06-2013

Well 2nd race meet for me with the 'Busa. I Lite meeting if you will. Palmyra have done a lot of work upgrading the strip & it shows. I spent Friday re-fitting the repaired rad & all the associated plastics. No referencing manuals so, not as smooth as it probably could have been :). You get that.
Out to a cold dewy & very fresh dragstrip for the Friday night Test & Tune.
Traction was compromised @ best :(.
Dragstrips need rubber layed down to operate effectively, this was expected & part of the exercise.
Having not ridden the 'Busa for maybe 3 months combined with not knowing if it was going to stand up or spin up when clutch was dumped (add in being on prescription sedatives) made for an interesting night.
Most runs in the 10.6 - 10.66 bracket, through an 11.99 wheelspin city run.
Bike is running lean though out the rev range, think the cold weather just exasperated the problem.
Having managed a 10.37 PB last year...


Come Sat race meet, ran 2 x 10.6# in qualifying.


10.734 for a win on a 10.59 dial in.
10.551 loss out the back door on a 10.59 dial in.


10.503 win on a 10.50 dial in against an opponent with wheely bars & a 17.30 dial in :S scarry closing speed in the deep end.
10.511 win on a 10.48 dial in.
10.541 win on a 10.48 dial in.
Total 7 runs for the day with a 0.131 sec spread.
Good enough for me :).

In the end as I said it was a Claytons race meet, no class prize monies or trophies.
However there was one prize, $100 for closest to dial in.
This inc Friday nite T & T + Sat racing.
Well the 'Busa came thru for me, with my 0.003 over dial in taking out the money :)
Very happy little vegemite.


Gotta say, sitting in stage for 7 secs after your competitor leaves & trying to run them down appears virtually impossible, she looked to be @ 2/3 track before they let me go, that's the way it looked in my mind as I sat there with my tyre cooling by the second.
What a day, LURRVE my 'Busa ;)


What a FAT time again @ Palmyra Yes

RE: Zrex's 'Busa - pan - 22-06-2013

Wow. Giving someone a 7 second head start!
Gotta love the Busa!

RE: Zrex's 'Busa - Zrex1200 - 24-06-2013

Could I pls have this thread moved to Track Days/Racing.

Thats probably more suitable & is the guts of this thread.


Zrex's 'Busa @ Palmyra 22-6-13 sideline video footage - Zrex1200 - 24-06-2013

What a 6,8 sec head start looks like from the side line.
Apologies for I-phone quality recording.

[Image: th_MyBusa-Win1050dialinvs1730dialin-Ran10503YeeHaa.jpg]

And against a GSXR750

[Image: th_MyBusa-WinagainstWayneGSXR750.jpg]

Since I am still running stock headers with cats she is pretty quiet, nothing like the ZRX Lol3