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+--- Thread: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS (/showthread.php?tid=18171)


Today a heavy duty Electel Resourses truck complete with cherry picker reversed at the lights at Grand Junction rd and North East rd to change lanes. Despite my horn blowing the whole time the truck kept reversing. Anyone on a bike would've been crushed and killed (cars stopped behind and traffic going past in the next lane.) He, with a passenger reversed at least a couple of metres and after crushing my late model Acclaim, continued to crumple my grill and bonnet up to my windscreen. Excuse---- didnt see you and didnt hear you.
Should have reversing cameras and radio removed. Nearly volunteered to remove the radio and find a new place for it.

What are we supposed to do leave a truck length between vehicles at lights in case of death

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - Ward P - 18-11-2011

(18-11-2011, 02:19pm)BSA Wrote: Today a heavy duty Electel Resourses truck complete with cherry picker reversed at the lights at Grand Junction rd and North East rd to change lanes. Despite my horn blowing the whole time the truck kept reversing. Anyone on a bike would've been crushed and killed (cars stopped behind and traffic going past in the next lane.) He, with a passenger reversed at least a couple of metres and after crushing my late model Acclaim, continued to crumple my grill and bonnet up to my windscreen. Excuse---- didnt see you and didnt hear you.
Should have reversing cameras and radio removed. Nearly volunteered to remove the radio and find a new place for it.

What are we supposed to do leave a truck length between vehicles at lights in case of death


I was parked behind a truck several years ago, I had a truck reverse into the mini I was sitting in the back seat of this day - The back seat of a mini has no doors, so I was trapped. It smashed the lights at the front then drove off. We chased and flagged the truck down, he had no idea he had even touched us.

These days driving a bus I've nearly backed over heaps of cars that stop close behind me, It's amazing how many idiots will park up close behind you just after you've just walked around and checked, then got in closed the doors to take off, I listen for car horns whenever reversing! - suppose thats why I have these big signs on the back that say "If you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you!"

I've now put a reversing camera on the back.

So yes people, BE careful, a truck or bus is much wider than a car / or a bike, and cannot see a vehicle directly behind them at all !


I've done the very same thing in a truck to a car at a set of lights. I was in the wrong as you should never reverse at lights because you don't know what may be behind you. People are fuckwitts do just like the bike you have to think for them.

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - BikerBoy - 18-11-2011

What kind of drugs was he on!!!! Absolute dickhead.

Glad you weren't injured. A shame about the car, but lucky you were not on the bike at the time.

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - hendrixhc - 18-11-2011

Mmmmmn seems to be a common occuring theme of late. I work in a court in Dudley park where trucks are constantly entering stopping and just start reversing with out any reguard for the cars behind them.

I appreciate the difficulty trucks face with manouvering large vehicles in small areas but jesus you are still a road user subject to the rules of the road.

Now dont get me started on public transport buses on Adelaide roads.

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - Bill Gaheer - 19-11-2011

I almost got killed by a army truck in India in 06 - when the driver stepped on the gas instead of brake.. I was on a Royal Enfield 350 CC and in front was a Merc 'E' Class - I got sandwiched in between - luckily survived with no broken bones and only 10 stitches on the back on my left hand. even the bike survived and the Merc was totaled.

All I know is that my gym bag saved my back as the truck hit my back and some time in between the time it hit the Merc along with me stuck on its bumper (sounds funny now) - the driver panicked and lifted his foot off of the accelerator for few seconds creating a change in the direction of my bike as I was holding on to it and then when he again gunned it ---- It threw me just off of the Merc into the on coming traffic.

I have had many such close encounters.... (57 in total - with 17 bikes lost in all the carnage) thats just life - but I still love to ride / drive in that part of the world...


When i come up behind anything large (inc vans) on my bike i will allways stop as far right as i can so they can see me


All "vehicles are not permitted to reverse unless under complete safety" Police

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - motoplast - 07-12-2011

(19-11-2011, 07:36pm)ROD Wrote: When i come up behind anything large (inc vans) on my bike i will allways stop as far right as i can so they can see me


RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - Hutch99 - 07-12-2011

(19-11-2011, 07:36pm)ROD Wrote: When i come up behind anything large (inc vans) on my bike i will allways stop as far right as i can so they can see me


in my car, or on my bike...and leave a few metres in between.

RE: LEAVE ROOM BEHIND TRUCKS - Tyronm - 09-12-2011

I wonder if he would have heard your horn if you had a Nautilius Air Horn ??? Coolsmiley

Worth the investment especially on a bike!


$6500 worth of repairs
some have said, they leave a few metres distance. I did but it didnt make any difference. He just hit and kept reversing. Some said they would sit right of the truck. Police would be amused every time you stop at the lights we run up the island and park there till the lights change. If i was on the bike i couldnt have moved out of the way because there were cars racing past on my left.Iit was a no win no solution problem. Now all I have to do after 2 weeks wait to get the car, is wait for the new air induction still in transit and close my eyes to the second hand change over bumper that doesnt line up with the guards. Thanks mr truckdriver, or should that be truck head.Knuppel2