Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - Printable Version

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Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - pan - 02-06-2006

Okay Chunky-liver... you're going to be red-bike fodder if you dare to show up. I challenge you to a drag race on Wednesday the 14th of June at WSID.

(it'll be State of Origin night, so we should get lots of runs again )

10.741 @ 220km/h
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - CAS3234 - 03-06-2006

Is there going to be money or parts involved??

Is it for 1 run, or best of 3?


Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - pan - 03-06-2006

We're both in the inner west. We ain't got money.
Looser has to shout the other a lamb yeeros, best of 3. <i></i>

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - kawasuki - 03-06-2006

Go the black and grey beast. Sorry Pan but colours come first. Cheers,

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - simmo - 03-06-2006

My money is on Pan with the SMGWSIDCM
thats if its fitted in time

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just all poor slow copies !!!!!<i></i>

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - chunkylover - 04-06-2006

I accept your challange !!!!

MMMMMM Yeeros.... **Drooling on keyboard** thats a deal! I'll make my order now. Lamb yeeros with tzaziki and extra tabouli!!!

Best out of 3?

Feel the force. ANGGI<i>Edited by: chunkylover&nbsp; at: 4/6/06 5:59 pm

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - pan - 04-06-2006

Best of 3.

Stockie should be in on this too. The 3 of us run similar times...

Simmo, ssssssh!

I'll take Beef yeeros with chilli sauce, no onions

I prefer "The Yeers Shop" in Illawarra Road, though Victoria Yeeros isn't bad either. Maybe we should try a few each before we race one day...?

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - chunkylover - 05-06-2006

Yeah we should taste test it first...

Yeah stockie should be on it too, better make your order now, pans taking orders...

I could go for a lamb sandwich right now...
Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>

Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - Stock06 - 05-06-2006

I'm in,
i'll have a lamb yeero with tabouli thanks Pan


Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - pan - 05-06-2006

Your false confidence does not fool me, young Jedis...
Buying me yeeros you will be.

Let's not forget the one, the most important, the most proven detail that you are overlooking...

Red bikes are faster!


Re: Chunky VS Pan - the showdown... - Heidi1 - 05-06-2006

BOW DOWN BEFORE ME MEASLY HUMANS! You have failed to take one thing into account!


YES, I am slow! YES, you can beat me in a straight line, but NO-ONE beats my clutch mod wrapped in a sock!
(cue evil laughter, which is surprisingly difficult to spell it turns out)


Darth Vader VS Darth Maul - chunkylover - 05-06-2006

Feel the force. ANGGI<i></i>

Re: Darth Vader VS Darth Maul - pan - 05-06-2006

Cool! <i></i>

Re: Darth Vader VS Darth Maul - kawasuki - 05-06-2006

Yeh ,just watch out when I decide to get serious. Black/grey. Cheers,

Re: Darth Vader VS Darth Maul - pan - 05-06-2006

Are you talkin' to me?
Come and get some, Militec Man...
WSID is where it's at...

"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>