Thursday Night Drags - Printable Version

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Thursday Night Drags - BusaDan - 28-04-2006

Hey guys. Not many bikes out last night but a tonne of cars.

Got in 9 runs.

New PB. 9.88 @142mph <i></i>

Re: Thursday Night Drags - pan - 28-04-2006

Woo hoo...

What kind of 60 foot time did you manage?
What other mods have you done so far?
10.742 @ 219.69kph<i></i>

Re: Thursday Night Drags - BusaDan - 28-04-2006

ET - 9.88
60foot - 1.72
no extra mods yet just gettin the hang of it.

Mods - lowered, pc, shift light, shift kill.

I think nos is next but I reckon the bike "as is" should be good for 9.6's so I will get as close as I can to that first.


ps. I was twisting my throttle so hard that the grip is damaged!! <i></i>

Re: Thursday Night Drags - kawasuki - 28-04-2006

Pan,, dont worry mate ,there track is smaller than ours. Cheers,

Re: Thursday Night Drags - the shredder 3 - 28-04-2006

great work dan
shane <i></i>

Re: Thursday Night Drags - Blackzook - 28-04-2006

Great work mate, how much difference does the shift kill make? Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson


Re: Thursday Night Drags - BusaDan - 28-04-2006

Thanks guys,

Bruce. shift kill is good for about 1 - 1.5 tenths depending on how good your changes already are.

Not as much as I originally thought...but still worth the money(about $450) more consistent passes.


Re: Thursday Night Drags - Blackzook - 29-04-2006

Thanks Dan, do you have a link to a web page for the shift kill setup. I'm interested might work well with the 80hp wet shot I ordered yesterday. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson


Re: Thursday Night Drags - BusaDan - 29-04-2006

Dynojet make it. not sure where to buy cause I got mine through a mate. The dynojet website will tell which one you need.

Ps. WHAT THE f*** are you going to do with an 80hp shot???? be carefull.

let me know how you go.

Re: Thursday Night Drags - Blackzook - 29-04-2006

Quote:WHAT THE f*** are you going to do with an 80hp shot????

Have fun of course Bruce

N2O no laughing matter
