ANDRA has agreed - Printable Version

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ANDRA has agreed - Xhiler8r - 03-04-2006

just copied from the ANDRA Website and it looks like they have agreed that the rules needed changing WAY TO GO everyone that had thier say to them

Licence Requirements: From 1/9/2006, the ANDRA Unlimited Licence and Technical Inspection requirements for registered production road going motorcycles with unmodified swingarms will apply from 10,0 seconds and quicker (1/4 mile)
Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic


ANDRA has agreed - Blackkat - 03-04-2006

Thats great,

Now if we can convince them that going faster than the next guy is the basis of Drag racing.......any ideas.

Leonard. <i></i>

Re: ANDRA has agreed - Xhiler8r - 03-04-2006

get them on a slow stock bike and put them up against you and your bike and see if they like losing all the time that way they might actually feel what it is like to go slower than your fellow racer and may reconsider the mod rules Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic


Re: ANDRA has agreed - m8ee - 04-04-2006

YEE-fuggen-HA!!! - should be a ripper of a meet when that comes in (6 MONTHS WTF?) Do it NOW you poofters. I hear what you say Leonard, the whole point of the goddamn concept of drag racing is to get to the other end as fast as you can. Nothing pisses people off more than having to back off on a run, picking up your ticket, and knowing that you are capable of much more. Our collective bitching about the 10.5 cutoff has finally come to something, and I will be all too happy to take up your cause too mate. Give us a bit more info on dial-in times etc. and what gives you the shits, and I will make all the noise I can. Nothing should be allowed to hold that silver weapon back, that is nothing short of criminal. <i>Edited by: m8ee&nbsp; at: 4/4/06 8:06 am

Re: ANDRA has agreed - Blackkat - 04-04-2006


Not much that can be done, we have Bikefest where like minded people can race heads up and hopefully in the near future an organization away from Andra will take us up, we will have to wait and see.

You guys realize that 10.0 limit is going to be with us for the next 10 years or so.....still better than 10.5, untill a few zx14's get out there.

Leonard. <i></i>

Re: ANDRA has agreed - BEAR - 06-04-2006

Good and bad. Despite my best efforst I struggled for ages, then last night did a 10.43 and got handed the ANDRA form. Mine is stock, lowered 50mm at the front and on the night only maybe 15mm at the front, otherwise it falls over on the stand!! I was resigned to spending money but now it seems if I wait....6 months!! <i></i>