G'Day - Printable Version

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G'Day - Panda - 04-01-2011

Hey all!! im a newbie to the site... names Tim.
Located in melbourne, ferntree gully..
own a 2000 hayabusa... custom pearl white paint... the little bling bits.. exhaust etc...

first bike was a 2007 hyosung gt650r... rode that into the ground... then upgraded to a k4 gsxr1000... (currently for sale) and now finally i have the hayabusa!!

first ride on the busa was from goldcoast back to melbourne when i brought it... 2000k's in 2 days.. fun Pi_freak

but yeah.. the hayabusa is my daily ride to work... own a car but thats a weekend bush pig...

always looking for rides.. so hopefully see you all out on the road!

[Image: IMG_4930.jpg]

[Image: 40774_472131860785_661265785_7282130_3876419_n.jpg]

RE: G'Day - Bill Gaheer - 04-01-2011

Thats a nice colour, Welcome to the club.

RE: G'Day - big kev - 04-01-2011

Welcome to the AHC mate , nice looking GEN I and its white never seen a white GEN I before but dam that looks nice ,

as for rides watch the "RIDING NOT TALKING" thread for rides in your area , the mexicans love riding which is good


RE: G'Day - VNSVLE - 04-01-2011

Welcome buddy!! Nice looking bikes :)

RE: G'Day - bazman - 04-01-2011

Welcome to the AHC, Tim...

Very nice lookin' gen1 Busa ya got there, mate! Pi_thumbsup

Make sure ya bring it up to Tathra at the end of the year for The Busa Bash!!! Yes

keep it fun,

RE: G'Day - Dale - 04-01-2011

Hey Tim,
Welcome to the club buddy. Love the white gen 1 .. I plan to paint mine in a similar colour scheme later on in the year.
Cheers ..

RE: G'Day - PostmanPete - 04-01-2011

Hey Panda,

Welcome to the forum mate, hope you can join us for a ride sometime soon! Enjoy the ride. Biker

RE: G'Day - BEAU - 04-01-2011

Welcome to the club Tim.

Love the unique gen l.

See you on a ride sometime.

RE: G'Day - 06BUSA - 04-01-2011

Welcome there,

RE: G'Day - Rosebusa - 04-01-2011

Hi Panda,

Nice Busa and love the colour. I have also a pearl white Busa and just adding some finishing touches.


RE: G'Day - Iburgr - 05-01-2011

Hi Panda,
Welcome aboard


RE: G'Day - jamdonut - 05-01-2011

Welcome aboard, nice bike, white is great.

RE: G'Day - Panda - 13-01-2011

thanx for the warm welcome guys and girls!!
i cant wait for this rain to stop so i can ride properly again!! the busa dosent like the wet city roads Pi_thumbsdown

RE: G'Day - Greeny_SA - 13-01-2011

Welcome Tim , the best year gen1 with the best gen2 color scheme, can't loose .

RE: G'Day - Timmy_0_T00l - 17-01-2011

yes welcome to the club other Tim from mexico, must be something about Tims and white busas, if your ever up for a ride just let me know im normally out every weekend