Bike Running bad! Help! - Printable Version

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Bike Running bad! Help! - bad boy busa - 08-12-2006

Has anybody had a problem like this?
While grabbing a handful the bike jerks as if it is hitting a rev limiter
It seems to only happen in second or third at full throttle at around 7 grand.
Thought it may have been a faulty spark plug but I've since put NGK Irridium in and no change.
My only guess is a fuelling problem but had the bike dyno tuned at 10/10ths when the yoshi 4 into 1 system and K&N filter went in and bike ran fine for a few months.
This problem only started on a track day if that may help diagnosis.
The bike is jan delivered K6 and has currently got 21,500 kms.
Any help would be appreciated.



Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - BUSGO - 08-12-2006

If it was an older bike I'd say fuel line probs but on a newbie..

Could be bad petrol though. You would get that response and there is plenty of bad gas around.

Just to be sure, wait till you get down to the bottom third of a tank and stick a few ounces of metho in the tank.
Close the cap and wait a while. If you hear some gurgling noises from the tank it means you have water in the fuel and it is being evaporated by the metho.
If there is no water in the tank, metho won't hurt.

I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - m8ee - 08-12-2006

I'm going with Ray on this, these things always seem to end up being fuel filters etc, or the bike will completely shit itself in a big way. Most likely option A. a lot of people will tell you that replacing fuel filters etc. usually fixes this kind of stuff. What fuel do you usually use? - I use only BP ultimate and have never had a problem Chopper says "Harden the f*** up Australia"<i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - bad boy busa - 09-12-2006

I also only run BP Ultimate.
New revelation. If I run with the choke (fast idle) on, problem gone.
Spoke to Col @ 10/10ths and he suggested it must be the throttle position sensor.
I will keep you all updated as he will have my bike on tuesday.

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - Maj750t - 10-12-2006

I honestly cant see how the fast idle can have any effect on a full throttle problem, you do the exact same thing as the lever if you open the throttle a little <i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - HAYABUSA ROD - 11-12-2006

i had a bit of problem like that put full bottle of injector cleaner in has been ok since THE WARRIOR


Bike running bad! help - fergus - 14-12-2006

Mate, try the idle control screw. At idle the revs should not go below about 1050rpm. Mine (05 model) was doing the same as yours and I thought it was a fuel problem or plugs and changed them. It also started cutting out when I was changing down to come into a corner or just slowing down. Very bloody annoying and soon as I increased the idle revs, problem gone. Hope that assists. <i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - bad boy busa - 16-01-2007

Not Happy!!!!!

23 Jan 2006 Bought new K6 Busa.
Nov 2006 Busa starts playing up. Bike was first mis-diagnosed as faulty gear position sensor. Suzuki replaced this and told me it was fixed. So as I pull out of the driveway and grab a handful....WTF....Nothing changed.

After 2 months of Suzuki not being able to diagnose problem, Bike was taken to 10/10ths and put on the dyno. Colin at 10/10ths diagnosed as a gearbox problem which Suzuki could not diagnose yet agreed to look at as they have taken the bike apart now. The dealer in question has had the bike for one week now and still hasn't sent the parts to Suzuki to be determined whether or not this will be covered by warranty which is what I'm told needs to be done.
(This wouldn't piss me off so much if it wasn't my only mode of transport).

At the moment I'm under the impression that the dogs are worn and Suzuki (i.e. the dealer) are trying to say that this would be rider error and I may have to pay in full for all repairs.Again WTF....

This is a so called "Hyper Sports Bike". If it cannot handle commuting 6 days a week, I would prefer they called it a "HYPED UP SPORTS BIKE."

It seems at the moment that dealers aren't allowed to call back customers because they sure as hell don't

Sorry about the rant.....Just needed to get it of my chest..Now I'll calm down and get back to what really matters <i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - BUSGO - 16-01-2007

Bad boy,
Has your bike ever been layed down.
I.E. Has it fallen off the stand or been knocked over or been on it's side?
If it has, I may have the answer.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - bad boy busa - 16-01-2007

No why?
Are you thinkin tip over sensor? <i></i>

Re: Bike Running bad! Help! - BUSGO - 16-01-2007

No not the sensor.
On the 99 model there is a strainer above the gearbox that the breather hoses run through and if a 99 bike goes on its side, you have to drain the strainer hose to release the overflow otherwise things just don't run right. I don't know if the later models have the same problem.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>

Re: This is unbelievable!! - bad boy busa - 17-01-2007

This is F#@kin unbelievable!!!!

I have been told by John Phillips @ Suzuki Australia (Warranty Claims Manager located in Melbourne) that without seeing the parts from my bike, that I must be riding the bike incorrectly (i.e. Rider Misuse) therefore it would not be a warrantable matter.

WTF......How can someone in another state who has never met or seen me or the bike determine how I ride.

This bike is 95% commuter and most of my Sunday riding is 2 up with "The Boss" which if I'm lucky is about once every 3 weeks because as I explained to suzuki I commute 6 days a week and kids apparently still need attention.

He said that Nobody has ever had a Problem with a Hayabusa gearbox(I'm finding this hard to believe as Colin from10/10ths has said he has fixed others before) therefore it has to be my fault as I must not be letting off enough when changing gears. Considering my bike hardly sees 6 thousand rpm in city traffic I think that excuse by Suzuki is appalling.

Especially as this is my second Hayabusa and I didn't have a single problem with my 04 model with 28,000 kms on it until it got stolen 12 months ago. Thats why I re-purchased a Busa without hesitation.

My question is....How many people get blown off by a manufacturer before something is a factory problem?.........

Being in the motorcycle industry myself, I will be actively campaigning against the Suzuki Brand in general as they do not give a rats arse about honouring their warranty or listening to their customers.


Re: This is unbelievable!! - m8ee - 17-01-2007

Quote:Nobody has ever had a problem with a hayabusa gearbox

Show him this......


Mainly 06 models seem to have problems Chopper says "Harden the f*** up Australia"<i></i>

Re: This is unbelievable!! - bad boy busa - 17-01-2007

I think it could only do more damage than good to show this to Suzuki. These posts involve Bikes Racing!!!!

Apparently I'm already riding it too hard in my daily commute.

If they do not come to the party as far as warranty is concerned, I will be selling this shitbox they are trying to call a sports bike and take my brand loyalty elsewhere so as not to spend any further hard earned on the Suzuki Brand.

This of course will also extend to the hundreds of people I speak to each month regarding purchasing a new bike.
This is a real shame as far as I'm concerned as my 2 previous bikes were from the Suzuki stable and I've been a happy customer till I bought this "Friday Afternoon Bike". <i></i>

Re: This is unbelievable!! - BUSGO - 17-01-2007

If the bike is under warranty and has a faulty gearbox, you have no problems. Just speak to consumer affairs for advice and if you get no joy, they can offer assistance to follow through.

I have a friend who does this as his living in Newcastle and seems to get results.

At all times maintain your cool and honesty but be firm with the issue.
They MUST comply with the law.

The gearbox is built to Suzuki's quality standard and the engine is rev limited. Therefore the gearbox is supposed to be able to handle the power provided regardless of rider input.

I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>